Friday, November 30, 2018


love you.

Good night.


wonder we get along.


couldn't tell.

Did you forget I know that one is you too?



see the "Beauty and the Beast" saga continues :-).


"My life nah important to me, but other people life important. 
My life is only important if me can help plenty of people. 
If my life is just for me and my own security then me don't want it. 
That's way me is."

My hero.

And all everybody wants is an image of him blazin one.


that NASCAR is over.

1st place in the NFC East.
Just beat the 10-1 New Orleans Saints.


to you know who.
So you can check them after I go to sleep :-).


having my guacamole :-).


what you'll really regret if you don't make that phone call?




girl :-).



stick with them.


of the day so far.


You've had one

since the third time he walked you to your car knucklehead.


that theme again :-).


didn't go through all of this not to.



sure by now we've proven we can sweetheart.



have no idea what your talking about.


Please :-).

Cause I did!

Started :-)


love you.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Dream job?

Loving you.

It's not even a job.
Which is my kinda job if you know what I mean :-).


love you.

Good night.


and the beast" 
seems to be some kind of recurring theme these days :-).


like the post about "Safe".
Thought that was great.


never guess which account got the long DM, right :-)?
And you'll be all cute and act like you don't care and read it later after I've went to bed.
You're so predictable sometimes :-).



We've had the final exam...

She's admitted shes scared to call...

What's left :-)?

Imagine that.

Hard to believe right?

Long DM

being sent to an account about today.
You'll just have to go figure which one.


Me too

Nobody has ever had it before.
Nobody will ever have it again.



me see:


Oh yeah almost forgot...




It's that whole:
"Wonderful collection of oddities" thing I got going on :-).

In 2020?

It will be 420 for a whole month :-).


we could ever get there :-).


 tell me how does a girl like you get to be a girl like you?"

You know why.

Psalm 103:15-18

Psalm 103:15-18

"Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die. 
The wind blows, and we are gone—as though we had never been here. 
But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him. 
His salvation extends to the children’s children of those who are faithful to his covenant, of those who obey his commandments!" 


of which?
How about those ass cheeks?



good to revisit some things :-).

Speaking of which.

NORML’s Principles of Responsible Cannabis Use

NORML has established a set of principles for the responsible use of marijuana to guide conscious cannabis consumers.

Adults Only

Cannabis consumption is for adults only. 
It is irresponsible to provide cannabis to people aged under 18.

No Driving

The responsible cannabis consumer does not operate a motor vehicle or other dangerous machinery impaired by cannabis, nor (like other responsible citizens) impaired by any other substance or condition, including some medicines and fatigue.

Set and Setting

The responsible cannabis user will carefully consider his/her mind-set and physical setting, and regulate use accordingly.

Resist Abuse

Use of cannabis, to the extent that it impairs health, personal development or achievement, is abuse, to be resisted by responsible cannabis users.

Respect the Rights of Others

The responsible cannabis user does not violate the rights of others, observes accepted standards of courtesy, and respects the preferences of those who wish to avoid cannabis.

Always remember:

Used responsibly there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.

God put it here and gave man dominion over it.

Genesis 1:29 

Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth..."

Genesis 9:3

Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

Don't come at me with some made up bull shit either preacher-men.
It's plain as day what it says.

Notice the "Used responsibly" part I prefaced everything with.

People are just as likely to abuse food or TV or overspending etc.
Go pick on them for a while.


don't ever ask more much.
I want a picture of similar fashion to this of us and I want it soon.


you since before time.

Stops today.

I always like her BTW.
Got several of her records.


home hard today.
Particularly the 

"Don't allow others to control the direction of your life." 


Lots of things coming through about leaving things that don't serve you, 
leave negativity,
 people that don't support your vision, 
who belittle you 
or want to put you down,
 or see you as the person you were years ago etc.

I'll take it as a cosmic hint.


for the reminder.


Thank you.

Goes both ways you know right?


To match it?


You can't even find the courage to make a phone call.
Makes me wonder about you sometimes Lucy.


why I told you what you should be afraid of this morning.
Reference previous post :-).

Love you Lucy.


know what was said to prompt this post.

We'll see someday.

I'll see, your view may be a lil blocked.



do people think physics and biology came from?
That they just decided to create themselves one day?

And remember,
 if you believe in the big bang theory? 
You believe that the entire known universe was created from a subatomic particle that created itself out of nothing.
You believe that the laws of physics allow for this.
Sounds like a miracle to me Lucy.

Not a big fan of Mr dawkins BTW.
Nicholas would throw his stuff at me.
It's all just retreaded arguments from times past. 
Seemed designed to be presented in a new way to make a name for himself and make a quick buck.

Nicholas kept me on my toes with his stuff.
I'll give him that much credit.

Well then?

How about that?


I was saying.


recently told me they have never met or known anyone who has personally heard God's voice.

I don't see how you can look outside and not hear it.
I hear it all the time.
It's the voice that set me out on this path were on together Lucy.

I'm going to give two clues as to hearing it and then some evidence.

1) It will be consistent over time. 
It will never ever waiver from what it is telling you.

2) It will challenge your status quo, 
your comfort zone, etc. 
The larger your faith? 
The more you can expect to be challenged.

3) It bears good fruit.

Whats the question here?


last Saturday Lucy :-)?
Like I couldn't tell that was some kind of final exam in the making lol.


I call them biblical:

"Your choices will be labeled selfish and outlandish"

Luke 14:26-27, 33.

“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple... So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

There's a difference between followers and disciples.

Matthew 22:14

For many are called, but few are chosen.

I got the bonafides to back it up.

"Don't let them fool ya
Or even try to school ya
Oh, no
We've got a mind of our own
So go to hell if what you're thinking is not right
Love would never leave us alone
A-yin the darkness there must come out to light"


been planning this thing for years.
Who you think your foolin' Lucy?

Love you babe.


that the truth?



going to be bigger than I thought..."

But sh'e to scared to make a phone call lol.

Give me a break.

Suck it up buttercup.


are immune to attacks on your character."


choices will be labeled selfish and outlandish..."

I assure you they already have been.



Catching my drift?
Don't call.
I wouldn't blame you.



told you, have somebody else make the phone call if youre that chicken, 
just text me the number to expect ahead of time.

I love you Lucy.


loose damn near everything, 
you're scared to make a phone call, seems like a fair deal :-).
Oh you opened up a can of worms Lucy lol.


world knows your plan 
(Mom, Al, Hospital Staff, Half the county, Members of three churches, etc) 
and youre scared to make a phone call lol?

I told you what to be scared of.



love you.