We were instructed to go have wellness checks done this past winter. Part of New Age trying to lower their Insurance premiums. I basicly pay out the ass for crap insurance whoose only real benefit is in case of catastrophy. Nice huh? Eventually I made it to have it done. 90 miles away working midnights didn't make it easy.
Top number on my blood pressure was 124, it needed to be 120 to be within the normal range. Blood sugar was through the roof (Hold on, there is a reason) and my BMI was 3 percentage point high. The nurse even admitted "You have very high bond density, it would be tough for you to meet that number". My blood sugar was high cause I had just ate right before we went to the drug store to have this thing done. The nurse even said "You can take off 70 points for having just ate and you would be well within the normal range." Basically, for a 50 year old man that works midnights I did pretty well. Filled out the form mailed it in, thought that was the end of it.
Oh no,no,no,no. Those numbers put me in the "bronze" level. To get a discount I must be in the "silver" level. Now wouldn't it have been nice to have known all of this before hand? I mean if somebody would have told me "Hey, your rates might go up $150 -$400 a month if you don't get up to the silver level" do you think I would have done something about it or would I just have waited till a month before open enrollment to take care of things? Like I said, fuck New Age Technologies.
Anyway James came in and told me he was in the same boat right after havin taken his assessment. He said it wasn't that hard, didn't take that much and he was able to get to "silver". Basically it involves going to the website and setting goals in the areas you need to improve in (Mine would be BMI or loose 10 lbs basically, Blood pressure, just barely out of target, not bad for a 50 year old man if you ask me, and my blood sugar, easy fix, don't eat before going back for further assessments). results can be scanned and uploaded and points totaled pretty quickly according to James. I just weighed myself lol. Target weight? 187. What did I weigh? 189. It was still 8 lbs less than when I initially did the assessment. Anyway, I set the goals online yesterday, Thursday I will go to moms where I can sit in front of a computer and talk on the phone (can't at our house, reception sucks) and talk to a Humana rep and see exactly what forms I need and where I need to go in order to see where I am at. I need 1300 "points" to be at silver. I got 200 today for filling out Nicholas health survey on line. A dental visit is 200 for me 100 for Nicholas and a flu shot was 200. Thing about those is they were done over 90 days ago so I don't know that they will let me count them. Weight? 800 points. Blood sugar? 125 Points, Blood pressure? 400 points, so we are close just gonna take a lil effort.
Like I said none of this and its financial implications were ever explained to us. Hell we never get told about anything actual job related let alone benefits. It's why I am done with New Age. I will however, do what I need to do to see that my insurance premium doesn't go up by $150 - $400 a month.
It just would have been nice to know about sooner. I am however, in a much better mood today. James was a big help.
Love you Lucy.
185 lbs is as low as my weight has been and that was 10 - 12 yeras ago.
I get to 185 and there just aint much more for me to loose sweetheart.
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