Sunday, June 29, 2014


"...If they can't be happy for us?
Fuck 'em.
We don't need them in our lives.
And I don't really care who they are..."

the truth.
I knew it would happen.
Just shocked by whom.

I mean if it's just you and me and Nich?
Well then fine.
Good for us.
Oh what fun we will have.

This process is like each time you remove something negative from your life you make room for something more positive to enter.
It's like a staircase sort of.
The more stupid crap you put in your rear view mirror the quicker you can realize it earlier when you see it again in the future and you can avoid all the drama and the chaos much earlier and easier.

Going to the mall is starting to be like watching TV was a while back.
The less I do of it the less I wanna do of it.

Just can't handle the crass commercialism and materialistic disposable nonsense to impress people that don't care anyway.
I don't get it.
Never have.
Not at all.

"Come we go chant down Babylon one more time."

I like a day or two at Christmas time.
All day.
Know what you're in for lol.
Nice lunch somewhere.
Thats about it with me and malls.
Except to get Nichs clothes and days like today :-).

Three things I've learned.

1) God uses the people you would least expect him too.
2) The people who help you when you're down will lots of times surprise you.It won't be who you thought it would lots of times.
3) Likewise, people you never thought would turn away from you? When blessings come your way?
The first people to walk away from you will lots of times be the ones you least expected to.
Just how it works.

Love ya Lucy.

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