Sunday, August 31, 2014

Really proud

of Nicholas yesterday.

He came home with three pairs of chinos.
Three long sleeve dress shirts.
One v neck sweater.
One brown leather Nike belt.
He went to old Navy and TJ Max.
He was the one watching price tags mom said.
Had a $35 off of a $70 purchase at Old navy.
All that haul?
His grand total?
Couldn't be more proud.
Mom says she will find a lazy Susan I can give to Christian.
The one at bed Bath and Beyond was too big she thought (16 inches).
I wish she would have just got it but okay.

Went and got a half pint of Makers last night.
Doesn't cure anything.
Sure does relieve some of the symptoms.
Heads clear, not stopped up anymore.
Feel much better.
Ought to, been layin around since Thursday PM.
Dave came by.
I had messaged him on FB due to phone being dead.
Been a long time since we just sat on the porch and shot the shit.
Felt great.

Rainy here.
Good for my growin.
Not good for riding lol.

Somebody or several people gonna have to be with me while I am getting ready Saturday.
Nich will be a big help but I gonna need some adult help as well.
Somebody who knows where the 18 year old is and how to make my drink.
Dave probably better than most at that.
Christian comes up with some fucked up shit then gets mad if you don't like it lol.
It's pretty simple, Jim Beam glass, crushed ice, bourbon.
No need to complicate matters.

Saturday the sixth?
I still just can not wrap my head around it.

Love you.

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