Saturday, November 1, 2014


didn't sleep good :-(.
Woke up at 1:30 couldn't get back to sleep.

Change in the weather puts a hurtin on me.
Did yall get snow?
Looks like a lot of TN did.

Time changes.
Yea us.
13 hour shift instead of 12.

Mom said Al suggested they get a new washer and dryer and give me their old ones.
That was nice :-).
They are 12 years old so they are about due.
Be the niceset set I ever had.

No threes from yesterday?
Always remember I can be just as mean as I can be sweet.
Just as big of a perv as I can be romantic.

Sorry for the comment about the dress but my head is spinning and I just can't tell whats real anymore.

Been "gaslighted" enough Lucy.

Love you.

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