thats what was going on when I finally got up this afternoon lol.
Then talked to James for a while about his second interview today and the goings on in the NOC lol.
I think James will get the job.
Couldn't be happier for him.
He deserves it.
Ran into Christian the other day.
He was coming home from court and I was leaving to run errands.
His ex gf has only seen her kids like three times in a year?
Think they will take away her parental rights?
You already know that answer right?
Of course not.
So here this guy is getting these two boys ready to go see their mom all the time and here this pillhead is canceling everything at the last minute.
Thats real good for the kids right?
These judges and attorneys.
Makes me wanna vomit.
He asked the boys court appointed attorney if he could just not let them go to the visits.
"Well now your court ordered blah blah blah."
He told her "Well she is court ordered to pay child support as well, does she?"
Nothing ever happens to these people, thats why they get away with what they do.
It was good to break the ice with him.
He has a fine lookin 20 year old live in sitter in his house.
He is happy.
Short lived as it may turn out to be, for now he is happy.
If he is happy?
Then I am happy for him.
I think he understands why I don't wanna be around.
It's all good for a bit.
Good enough.
Don't really wanna loose that relationship either.
If I have to I will, just don't really wanna.
Just don't wanna be around her.
I think he gets it.
Joanna came up on moms FB page for some reason.
One of these "people you may know" things.
Mom nosed around on her page.
No pictures of Rene anymore.
Some other woman now.
Think mom told Nicholas cause he said something to me about it.
I said "thats what they do, always lining up the next victim while they are still with the current one, that way they are never without a "host" so to speak. It's why your mom was so mad at me, I left her and she didn't have time to line up another victim yet."
He just looked at me like "Makes sense."
They didn't have school today.
Phone went off several times.
Cancelling school.
I had to text Al and Nicholas about it.
Then they cancelled the girls basketball game.
So of course they use the one call for that as well.
My life lol.
Nicholas? Check.
Janet? Check.
Christian? Check.
Work? Tuesday hopefully, check.
Whats left here Lucy?
Just let me know when to shave my balls and show up.
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