Monday, February 16, 2015


gonna stay up till it starts snowing or sometime around two.
Work is already covered for tomorrow.
I figure I'll be there Tuesday PM.
Chad is out as well.
6-7 inches of snow expected.
School already called off.
Another lazy day.
Should be pretty.
Get some pics.
I told Nich I liked it better when already know about school and work.
Makes it easier.
I told him to wake me up at 10:00.
Told him I would make us a big breakfast.
Told him not to be surprised if I just went right back to sleep lol.
He can heat up that casserole, no need to worry bout cookin, I can sleep through the afternoon if I want :-).

Lots of profiles on Instagram seem awful "giddy" of late.
What gives Lucy?

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