Sunday, June 21, 2015


three years of walking around and all you're thinking is:

"I don't need that, I wouldn't take that with me, give that away, nothing here to miss really but a few people and a ton of good memories."

Three years.
Every second of every day thinking about not being here.
Walking around living in a place with stuff that most of it just really doesn't mean anything
Just takes its toll.
Trust me.

I don't even feel like going to mom and Al's for lunch.
I will suck it up.
But I really don't feel like going :-(.

I don't ever remember being without Nicholas on Fathers Day unless I was working.

Alan's Birthday.
God I love that man.

Yesterday wasn't so bad :-).
Had Dave for company.
Good music.

This AM?

It's just been hard Lucy.

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