Monday, September 7, 2015


response to a certain some body's 
"How to keep her."

1) Why on earth wouldn't I want her to wear red lipstick? What she wants to wear is up to her and vice versa. At this point I just want to see her, in that dress, walking toward me, period. Her lips could be polka dot if she wants for all I care. But red lipstick and a lil black dress together? Oh good lord child look out when we get home.

2) Well, if she would have answered the phone ever I would but we are well beyond that at this point so I do what I can to let her know she is always the last thing on my mind when I lay down to sleep, as well as the first thing on it when I wake up. This will never change.

3) Trust me I get this one, got that from Al, even a cheap lil bouquet from Wal-mart says a lot given out of the blue. I'm not going to have them delivered because if I had your address I would just show up and that would ruin everything we have been working toward for so long. So this just has to wait till I can do it in person.

4) I'll do it everyday for you if you want me to. Sounds like something I would enjoy doing.

5) I do. She told me a long time ago she could never hear it enough so I try and make it a point that she hears it a lot. I figure when I get to the point and I think you might have been hearing it too much that day? Probably a few dozen more times for the day and we should be good. After over three years? I'm not leaving, but I get it, I'll be in my 80's and she will still be worried about me leaving, comes with the territory, accepted for what it is, moving on.

6) I couldn't care less about her past other than it made her who she is. Other than that? I couldn't care less. It's her\our future that I care about. Looking forward, not back. If she never wanted to tell me I honestly wouldn't care. Her past starts when she walked into the NOC that evening, anything before that? If she doesn't ever wanna tell me? I really couldn't care less. The only thing I wanna know is, why all the delay when the whole world except for me apparently already knows what's going to happen and when lol. And don't give me that "keep a boy guessin" bull either, not after this long dollbaby.

7) I always call her beautiful, like it's her name, cause to me it might as well be.

8) I've fought my whole life too. What a waste. I'm tired of it and I'm tired of the people who just wanna bring it out of me. Those people will learn to stay away from me or I'll stay away from them. I just can't do it anymore, it takes to much of an emotional toll and that in turn leads to too much of a physical toll. For whatever reason some people just don't understand this, their whole MO is fighting just to fight or arguing just to argue, no thanks. It's too fucking draining at this point in my life. So yes, I will gladly give in, more times than not as there just isn't that much out there that matters enough to start  fighting over in the first place. Just don't ever think I'm a pushover because sometimes I won't give in either A) Just to show you that I won't always or B) For whatever reason it's that important to me. If it's the later don't push it with me like some people like to do and here's why, if I give more times than not cause I just really don't care? When I do stand my ground for whatever reason?  The principal, or just showing that I will\can? It means I'll never back down or I wouldn't have started down that path to begin with. I'll give in more times than not mainly cause I don't care and am so sick of fighting, so capitulate when you can tell I'm not gonna give in and let me have my small victories, it makes a man feel like a man. Being "all woman" like you say you are, you should understand the importance here. The look on my face will tell you how to proceed. It aint no big secret.

9) Sounds like a plan :-). I don't like getting drunk. Not much anyway, too hard on the body. I think we all know my prefered choice of intoxicant :-).

10) Gotcha, no foot rubs.

11) You won't have to shave your legs for me to insist on feeling them sweetheart.

12) I don't read books, more like, current events, history, politics, foreign policy side of things, largely found on line. So I'll let you do the talking about books :-). If I knew for sure the color of your hair? I would gladly write you a poem about it but I don't, so it  will have to wait.

13) Ditto. Try this with a sixteen year old with ear buds in all the time :-).

14) I don't just wanna tell you stories about when I first fell for you, I wanna tell the world. Not being able to is a source of great frustration. Obviously :-).

15) Gotcha. Everyday is a bad day without her but I'll try to keep this more in mind and give you more fair warning.

16) Count her twice, check. One thing though, "Never lucky, always blessed." So doubly blessed :-). That works :-).

And always remember, if you wanna keep him? Give him reasons to keep wanting to do these things for you. Make him your king, treat him accordingly and I don't see where there's a problem.

Love you.

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