Sunday, September 6, 2015


I reiterate:

"...If they can't..."

"...If they can't be happy for us?
Fuck 'em.
We don't need them in our lives.
And I don't really care who they are..."

I mean who...

in their right mind...

wants you to stick around and be miserable just so you can be in close physical proximity to them?

When they know...
they know...
in no uncertain terms,

your joy and your peace is with someone else, somewhere else?

I couldn't do it to Nich.
I'd be like, be gone, be happy.

Just remember me...
Honor me...

It's different if there is a parent who isn't honorable.
I understand that.
Nothing to honor there.

Just be happy and make me proud of the type of person you have become.

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