Sunday, February 21, 2016


told you a long time ago.
I know how you practical joker types are.
Everything's all fun and games as long as the jokes on somebody else.
Soon as someone tells you to stop or they don't appreciate it or they play a joke on you?
Well then everything just gets all sorts of out of wack.
If your gonna give it?
Then you need to be able to take it.
Or at least deal with the ramifications.
When somebody says thats enough, after having put up with things for longer than they wished they had?
Well then thats enough.
It's not their fault for blowing their cool.
Not when they told the other party numerous times to stop.
Don't poke the bear.
And whatever you do?
Don't poke the bear and then get mad at him when he finally comes after you.
Thats a fools folly.

All that being said?

Love you Lucy.

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