Thursday, June 15, 2017


the KKK went international and started being responsible for acts of terrorism would you call it "Christian Terrorism" because the KKK thinks itself to be a Christian organization? Probably not. In fact lots of Christian would rightfully find that offensive.

Likewise, just because a terrorist network considers itself to be "Muslin" doesn't make it so and most Muslims would find those acts to be a perversion of their faith.

But Islam is a religion based on war and conquest and blah blah blah...

Look, I'm no Muslim scholar but the jihad or Holy war which the Koran speaks of is interpreted by the vast majority of Muslims to be the battle between the forces of good and evil that reside in each of us.

Good thing the worlds almost one Billion Muslims don't subscribe to this perversion or we'd be in a lot more trouble than we already are.

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