Monday, November 6, 2017


If you’re gonna be one of these, 
"I’m going to be a cunt today because…well…just because I feel like being a cunt today" types?

Then this is all a big mistake.

I won’t tolerate it.
I’ll march my lil happy ass down to the lawyers office so fast it will make your head spin.

And I’ll leave this situation better than I walked into it.

There will be no prenupt.
Not any more there wont be.
Price you pay for all your horseshit.
Our prosperity was gained mutually, 
if need be, it can be split up that way.
At a minimum, I’ll be better off than I am now.
In any event the message here is simple.

Don’t be a cunt.

It will cost you.
Nothing in this world is any more pathetic than somebody trying to be all hardcore about shit, 
then when push comes to shove it’s all 
“Yes dear, whatever you say dear.” 
It just doesn’t jive with the whole bad-ass vibe that’s being fronted.

It aint me. 

Any questions?

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