Sunday, November 5, 2017


dollar to my name.
No food left any more.
No gas either.
This is what you want me to be like?
Happy now?

Another birthday without you.
Needed that.
It's great.
Helps a lot.
Not to mention I got friends birthdays coming I can't do a thing for.
Happy now?

If one more person ask "Are you okay?"
When they have known for years?
That telling me one sentence would have made me so?
Lets just say it comes off as less than genuine.
I'd just as soon they didn't ask, than to feign some fake concern.
Happy now?

Seriously, Virgie?

If you're intent on being some lonely man-hating cunt?
Because yes, that is exactly how you are coming off these days,
then I suggest you keep on do so without me.

No need for me in that scenario,
Happy now?

Couldn't enjoy worship today.
Might as well not have went.
Happy now?

This is what you want?
This is the by-product of your wishes?
Happy now?

You can have 'em.
I don't want any part of it.
Happy now?

You don't listen.
And nobody else gives a shit or they would have eased my mind by now.
But they don't.
You wanted honest.

Love you.

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