Tuesday, November 14, 2017


has done more harm than it has done good."

That's a good one for ya.

Whats your rebuttal to that Drew?

First off, man perverts, twist and distorts things to his own will.
Always has, always will.
Organized religion and churches are no exception to this.

Second of all?
The good that Christianity can do for you personally?

Saving your soul from eternal hell and damnation and for all eternity ought to be plenty more than good enough to far out-weigh all the bad that has been done in it's name throughout the ages.
However perverted, twisted and distorted those wrongs might have been.

It's just another in a long line of excuses that are as old as the hills.

They might as well scream:

"I'm going to do things my way, on my own, period!"

When they work their way through all of the twenty or so reasons why they don't want to believe and you shoot each one of them down logically and philosophically?
They just go back to the beginning and start all over again.

I would much rather somebody just tell me:

"Look, I've made a conscious decision not to believe despite all the evidence to the contrary I  have seen in the lives of others around me and I am perfectly content to spend my eternity in Hell."

That I wouldn't bother to formulate a rebuttal for.

But this?
"Religion has done more harm than it has done good."

Funny how the ones saying in won't/don't volunteer to do good for others when the opportunity presents itself in their communities.
And how quickly people forget about army's of trucks, and trailers leaving out to go do work for others they couldn't get done themselves.

Maybe they should volunteer once.
Maybe then?
They would change their minds.

But I doubt it.

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