Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tax Plan

"Were gonna cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20%
This will encourage investment in new machinery, new facilities, worker training, lead to new jobs, grow the economy ect.
Corporate taxes in america are the highest in the world blah blah fucking blah blah blah..."


If they get this passed?
That fifteen percent drop in corporate taxes?
It's gonna go where it always goes when corporations get a tax cut.
Flow right through to their bottom lines.
CEO's who haven't done a damn thing to make it happen will all be touting their "record profits".
What happens to a corporations stock price when it has record profits?
It goes up.
Who benefits the most from this?
They'll tell you
"People with 401K's will see the benefit."
They will try and sell this pile of manure to the american public.
401K's rasing in value will be a collateral benefit and I assure you it is not their intent.
It will all be on paper anyway so what happens to all this "raise in value" the next time a crash comes?
Trust me, the CEO class will have long cashed in their stock options before it happens.
And it's penny's, literally penny's compared to the stock options and bonuses the CEO are already salivating for.

How bout this?
Why not make them invest the 15% cut in their corporate taxes?
How the fuck hard is that?
To think that they are just going to do it on their own is nonsense.
If they don't invest it?
Then they get penalized worse than what they saved.
How bout we go that route for a change?

Almost forty years later, and people are still falling for the same old crap.

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