Monday, November 6, 2017

"The Cool Girl" argument

Heard this the other day.
Like I don't know whose mouth it came out of :-).
Funny how I can tell you've been talking to people by what they feel compelled to share Lucy.

It goes a lil something like this:
"Pity the poor lil "cool girl", the one all the guys wanna be with because she likes to do "cool" (ie, guy) things.
Hunt, fish, bowfish, ride bikes, whatever. Pity her because as soon as a guy gets her? He no longer wants to do "cool things" with her any more. Largely? Because he feels threatened by her ability to do masculine (or so we are told) things that are equal to, or above the mans abilities to do the same.

Here is the problems I have with this argument.

It places all the fault on the guy.

Seems to me like, if the "cool girl" was really all that "cool"? 
She would recognize the fact she's latched onto yet another insecure man who doesn't want to feel intimidated or threatened by her abilities and she should bolt.
She should recognize what she has got herself into and extradite herself from the situation. 
The situation and the outlook needs to change because people?
Good luck.
A man is simply not going to fight eons of evolutionary biology to please a woman. He just won't. It's just a lot easier to find another.
 The 'cool girl" should realize just how bad-ass she really is and hold out for that unicorn of a man who won't feel intimidated or threatened by her abilities in her masculine pursuits.

And I love this part, goes back to what I have against feminism from what I've seen from first hand, being able to be as good as or better than a man in what he pursues as his passions? 

Congratulations genius, you have just effectively ruled out 99% of all eligible men. 

Way to go. 
You don't get to usurp a mans abilities and then complain when they're no longer in the picture all in the same breath. Take some responsibility for yourself, hold out for your unicorn. 
One will come along. 

And guys? Why the fuck do you feel so threatened? 
Can't you just feel blessed you have somebody that has the same interest as you do? The same thing goes for the guys, you don't get to have someone to share your passions with, then not do those things, then complain when they no longer stick around.

Here's the trick:
Guys want to feel needed. 
If you can do everything he can do and you can do it better in some instances? 
He won't feel needed and will eventually bolt. 
The trick here is make your fella FEEL needed, 
even if you both know neither one of you really needs the other.

Me personally?
I've never had this problem :-).
Never had "the cool girl" so I really wouldn't know.
I wouldn't mind finding out someday though...


I think...

I'll kick it around for a while...

Let you know when I make a decision...


We'll see...



Love you Lucy.

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