Thursday, November 16, 2017


Is a big deal.
Bigger than people think.

"More than 1,300 people sent reports to the organizations (American Meteor Society and the International Meteor Organization), making last night the busiest night they’ve ever had since the online reporting forms were launched."

"Yeah, whatever Drew, we've always had meteors in the sky."

Know what makes this different?
Those other meteors?
They didn't happen at this moment in time.
That's what makes these different.

"Well, whatever they were part of the the Taurid meteor shower peaked on Saturday and is still going on."

Uh-huh and the ones that appeared over France and Arizona?
They weren't, because of their origin and direction.

When's the last time anybody heard of four big fireballs being seen over Europe and America in the same evening?

Let them keep mocking Lucy, see what happens to them.

Expect more of this kinda thing.

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