Sunday, April 22, 2018


how it all went down.

For whatever reason after the shooting in Nashville in which the demon stated "There are more of you than they told us" on his FB page before hand and my interpretation that this was the fulfillment of the opening of the fifth seal in Revelation 6: 9-10 (When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”) and subsequent post about demons helping mass shooter(s) in Las Vegas and other places, everybody seems to think I'm interested in every mass shooter event that takes place. I'm not. Only those that 'resonate" is the only way I can explain it.

I was really trying to have a relaxing day today. Went riding for the first time in forever. Plenty on my mind already, stayed away from news for a day. "Hey Andy", out of the blue. "Surprised you haven't mentioned anything about the shooting today. You're usually ahead of me when it comes to this stuff." "Did it involve Christians?" "Nope"  "Was it in a church?" "Nope." I thought okay, whats the big deal other than it's odd you bring it up like that out of nowhere. I started doing the dishes again. News comes on. "News tonight from Antioch Tenn..." In my mind, "Oh shit! Thats where Christians were first called Christians." That much I knew. Then just the same old, same old, flush, warmth, goosebumps, shivers, otherworldly feeling you get used to and come to expect more so than feeling normal any more and then I go sit down with the Mendenhall bible and go to the Biblical Cyclopedic Index and look up all the verses that have the word "Antioch" in them. I might have skipped one or two that weren't so relevant. But that Lucy? Is how it all went down.

Welcome to my world sweetheart.

(Just tried to post this and the internet went down for the first time all day.
It's the same kinda thing that happened with the card at the gas station.)

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