Saturday, April 7, 2018


can't explain it.
Nobody knows exactly what I'm doing or how.

I'm being used.
So's Lucy.

To me?
I heard a noise once.
Ten years ago maybe?

Life hasn't been the same since.
The noise made me a tuning fork.
I pick up vibrations I guess you can call them.
Some times it's faint.
It's like being one of those telescopes out in the desert.
You're picking up a signal.
It tells you what you need to do, how to be etc.

There's lots of sleepless nights.
There's no rhyme or reason that can be seen from human perspective.

Like two nights this week.
It's been like that phrase, 
"Trying to drink water from a firehose"
It overwhelms.

Thats the best I can do.
Explaining what's going on.

When it moves it moves.
Sometimes a lot.
Sometimes a lil
He knows Im human.
He knows I need a break some days.
Other days?
Other days I can go all day and barely eat and don't even know what time it is.

So thats whats going on.
Thats how this is working.

Don't care who doesn't believe it.
I'm/were living it.

I don't know if they offer tours at
The Atacama Large Millimeter Array
in northern Chile Lucy.
But if they do?
We should go.

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