Sunday, April 22, 2018


have been railing against the ignorance, racism and intolerance where I live for years.

It's all on here somewhere.

Hey, Lucy is the archivist when it comes to finding things on here lol.

I wake up some mornings and can see what she looked at while I was asleep and I'm like, how did she ever find that? I struggle to find things on here. To busy worrying about creating new than looking for what I know I've already said. Anyway (you know whos voice) been railing against the ignorance, racism and intolerance where I live for years. Years. Look it up they say.

New preachers were announced for the three Methodist churches.

Happens by appointment every year from the District Superintendent.

This year?

One church gets a Korean pastor.
Another one gets a Female Hispanic one.
One stays put, he's Korean as well.
I'm like this is the greatest thing ever.
Exactly what's needed here.
I don't think its an accident.
My railing for years and this happening now.
I really don't.
I can't.
I know better.
To many coincidences aren't a coincidence and all..

Churches always loose members when preachers change.
It's sad.
It's not about the preacher.
Not supposed to be anyway.
It's supposed to be about the people.

We've made worship a numbers game.
All about attendance and offering instead of about winning people's hearts for Christ.

"Grow the church" you'll hear them say over and over.
Growing the church isn't about the numbers in the pews, or the money in the collection plate.
It's about the spiritual growth of it's members as well.
Go ask Brother Joe, he'll tell you.

I think diversity is great.
We're all children of God.
Do you just say it?
Or do you mean it?

Matthew 13:49
"So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just"

Happening. Just like a lot of other things.

Matthew 7:14
"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."

Guess we will see.

Love you Lucy.

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