Saturday, April 7, 2018


Why in the world?
If you're a Russian oligarch?
Would you come to this country now?
Unless you were purposely cooperating?
Why in the world?
Would we even let them?

"The approach to Russian oligarchs in recent weeks may reflect that Mueller's team has already obtained records or documents that it has legal jurisdiction over and can get easily, one source said, and now it's a "wish list" to see what other information they can obtain from Russians entering the US or through their voluntary cooperation."

"Prosecutors and investigators like the element of surprise when you can get more instinctive (and often truthful) responses," said Daniel Goldman, a former federal prosecutor, in a text. Mueller's team is using search warrants to access electronic devices and, Goldman added, "surprise is crucial for those searches because you don't want anyone to wipe their phone."

Horseshit. Thats the cover. 
The reality is they are voluntarily cooperating.

"His (Trump's) inauguration committee raised a record $106.8 million, more than twice as much as any of his predecessors. Watchdog groups have criticized the committee for not fully disclosing how it spent the inauguration funds."

Where did that go?

"As part of his plea agreement Gates is required to cooperate fully with Mueller's investigators and answer all their questions."

Two weeks after his agreement new indictments were issued.

Russian oligarchs just started coming here all the sudden just for shits and giggles.
Give me a break.

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