Friday, April 6, 2018

You know?

If it wasn't for the greedy fucks running the show in this country?
Who just had to have access to the "vast Chinese market."
I remember it.
I remember when companies first started expanding into China.
They were willing to do anything to get access to that large of a market.
So they agreed to give away intellectual property.
Pay high tariffs.
Now we blame them?
For the greedy fucks running the show in this country being greedy?
The Chinese were smart. 
If our companies didn't want the access to their market so bad?
They wouldn't have agreed their terms to begin with.

Matthew 25:32
And before him shall be gathered all nations: 
and he shall separate them one from another, 
as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats

Isaiah 34:1-4
Everyone of every nation,
    the entire earth,
and all of its creatures,
    come here and listen!
The Lord is terribly angry
    with the nations;
he has condemned them
    to be slaughtered.
Their dead bodies will be left
    to rot and stink;
their blood will flow
    down the mountains.
Each star will disappear—
the sky will roll up
    like a scroll.
Everything in the sky
    will dry up and wilt
like leaves on a vine
    or fruit on a tree.

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