Sunday, May 13, 2018


can't make this stuff up lol.

Should have shared it the other day but didn't.

One time?
I go to the library and I'm getting out of the vehicle and I hear:
"He was brutally handsome, she was terminally pretty"
Life in the fast lane, The Eagles.
And I walk inside and proceed to have my mind expanded seeing the life I'm bout to live.
I've talked about it on here.

The other day?
I kid you not.
Pun intended lol.
I start the car and the first thing I hear is:

"Cowboy, cowboy
Well, I'm packin up my game and I'ma head out west..."

I mean you just don't ever really get used to it you know?
It still blows you away.
I'm sitting there smiling thinking really?
Kid Rock?
And he's smiling right back like: Yeah, Kid Rock lol

Colossians 1:16

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.

See the part where it doesn't say all?
Yeah, me neither.
He will use whatever he wants to, however he wants to.
You just have to be receptive.
He wants an individual relationship with you.
He knows you better than anybody.

Just because somebody's faith walk is different that yours?
You gonna judge?
Trust me.
You wouldn't want mine.
(Faith walk)
You just wouldn't.

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