Monday, October 14, 2019


because somebody else is making the decisions.
How hard is this to figure?

Tired of Winning: Trump Surrenders Northern Syria to Turkish Jihadists

Great article and thats exactly what he did.

 " counts as one of the dumbest moves an American president has ever made in the Middle East."
(Abandoning the Kurds)

 "in addition to withdrawing support for the Kurds, he would deliver them into the hands of their worst enemy, who fully intends to kill them in large numbers."

Who didn't know this?
It's just insane.
It's exactly what they are doing.

"Let’s not forget, the very ground we’re speaking about in northern Syria, down the Euphrates River Valley, is the same location to which survivors of the Armenian genocide fled, having become the first victims of Turkish nationalism."

That is a very important point.

"Why would the Ottomans be considered "The Beast" mentioned in Revelation 17 8-11?
Oh, I don't know, maybe for the genocide of the Armenians, many of them Christians."


"Erdogan’s past enablement of the Islamic State is well documented. He shares certain goals with them, including military defeat of the Kurds, and Assad’s ouster. In any case, there are no ISIS fighters in Syrian Kurdistan, except for the 11,000 or so whom the SDF has locked up in a string of prisons that will now go over to Turkish control.

"That is cause for alarm, because to speak of Turkish forces in this context is to refer to an auxiliary militia known as the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army, or TFSA. This is a hard-bitten assortment of Sunni survivors of the long jihad against the regime, a rabble of defeated rebels, foreign fighters, mujahedeen from abroad, Nusra Front veterans, and other takfiri mercenaries. No small number of men now fighting under the Turkish flag are former ISIS, who went over to the TFSA after the fall of Raqqa. Erdogan has already used the TFSA to take over the Kurdish enclave known as Afrin, where they were filmed executing civilians"

This guy?
Turkey's President Erdogan?
Has bought military hardware from Russia.
Has militias of Islamic Radicals committing genocide in Northern Syria.

He's gonna do everything he can to get kicked out of NATO.
He doesn't care.

Puzzle pieces on the chessboard are starting to move.
Who's next?

I love this from that article:

"Instead, last Sunday, four-dimensional chess-master Donald Trump, after a call with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan"

 "four-dimensional chess-master Donald Trump"

I bout fell out of my seat.

That's great.

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