I love you baby.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Great Apostasy (Part one of a series) Warning, Its long.
2 Thessalonians 2
New King James Version
The Great Apostasy
2 Thessalonians 2: 1-3
"Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him,
we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled,
either by spirit or by word or by letter,
as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come.
Let no one deceive you by any means;
for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first,
and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped,
so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."
we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled,
either by spirit or by word or by letter,
as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come.
Let no one deceive you by any means;
for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first,
and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped,
so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."
Pauls letter here was written for some in the church who thought Christ return had already happened.
He was merely reminding them that the stage had to be set first and,
The great rebellion, The great falling away, The great Apostasy
had to happen along with the antichrist revealing himself.
He was merely reminding them that the stage had to be set first and,
The great rebellion, The great falling away, The great Apostasy
had to happen along with the antichrist revealing himself.
(the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,...)
Gonna concentrate here on
exactly what is
"The Great Apostasy."
"Apostasy (/əˈpɒstəsi/; Greek: ἀποστασία ápostasía, "a defection or revolt")
is the formal disaffiliation from, abandonment of, or renunciation of a religion by a person.
It can also be defined within the broader context of
embracing an opinion that is contrary to one's previous religious beliefs.
is the formal disaffiliation from, abandonment of, or renunciation of a religion by a person.
It can also be defined within the broader context of
embracing an opinion that is contrary to one's previous religious beliefs.
Lets remember:
embracing an opinion that is contrary to one's previous religious beliefs.
All I am going to say is, its happened.
I'll present my case.
You decide.
No man knows when the soul enters the body.
No soul, no murder.
Been over this one a bunch already.
Been over this one a bunch already.
Even if it is murder, both Moses and David were murders and they found redemption.
Mind your own sin, not someone else's.
Ecclesiastes 11:5
"As you do not know the path of the wind,
or how the bones are formed in a mother’s womb,
so you cannot understand the work of God,
the Maker of all things."
or how the bones are formed in a mother’s womb,
so you cannot understand the work of God,
the Maker of all things."
There are a whole lot more verses I could have used here as well.
(about life beginning at the first breath etc)
(about life beginning at the first breath etc)
This is a wedge issue created to support an evil, greedy, racist political agenda.
It is an emotional issue as well and it got the better of a lot of good people.
So if you truly believe in the sanctity of life?
Why aren't you protesting with black lives matter activist
against the slaughter of black and brown people in the streets?
Why aren't you protesting against state sponsored executions?
Why aren't you protesting against big pharma and their corporate greed
that led to the opioid crisis and the destruction of so many lives and families?
This issue is a sham and it always has been.
Caring about an amalgamation of cells in a woman's uterus
more than you care about living breathing people.
It is because we believe in the sanctity of all human life that we are sensitive to the effects of an unwanted pregnancy on women and families. We pray for a world in which every child is wanted, loved, and cared for. Because we believe in the sanctity of human life that we believe a child has the right to enter the world wanted and loved. Because we believe in the sanctity of human life we are sensitive to the effects of an unwanted pregnancy upon individual women, upon their loved ones and their families, and we recognize that they, not we, must determine what is best for those directly concerned and involved."
"In reality, there are many of us who believe that choice is the most logical and the most responsible position any religious institution can take on this issue. My sisters and brothers, we are dealing with something that is deeply spiritual and cannot be left to those who would choose to politicize this issue and further victimize those who must ultimately decide for themselves."
Melvin George Talbert
Sermon, 1996
Melvin George Talbert
The biblical basis for being pro-choice.
So if you truly believe in the sanctity of life?
Why aren't you protesting with black lives matter activist
against the slaughter of black and brown people in the streets?
Why aren't you protesting against state sponsored executions?
Why aren't you protesting against big pharma and their corporate greed
that led to the opioid crisis and the destruction of so many lives and families?
This issue is a sham and it always has been.
Caring about an amalgamation of cells in a woman's uterus
more than you care about living breathing people.
The sanctity of life.
"All religions revere life.It is because we believe in the sanctity of all human life that we are sensitive to the effects of an unwanted pregnancy on women and families. We pray for a world in which every child is wanted, loved, and cared for. Because we believe in the sanctity of human life that we believe a child has the right to enter the world wanted and loved. Because we believe in the sanctity of human life we are sensitive to the effects of an unwanted pregnancy upon individual women, upon their loved ones and their families, and we recognize that they, not we, must determine what is best for those directly concerned and involved."
"In reality, there are many of us who believe that choice is the most logical and the most responsible position any religious institution can take on this issue. My sisters and brothers, we are dealing with something that is deeply spiritual and cannot be left to those who would choose to politicize this issue and further victimize those who must ultimately decide for themselves."
Melvin George Talbert
Sermon, 1996
Melvin George Talbert
The biblical basis for being pro-choice.
Gun Rights.
Why on earth are people who are so sure of their eternity?
Buying guns and stocking up on ammo?
It makes absolutely no sense.
Why in the world support the merchants of death?
Even to the point of accepting the slaughter of innocent school age children?
Lets just turn a blind eye to the horror of it all.
(Yes, Sandy Hook, numerous others, etc)
This is exactly where logical people start to have a problem
with the position of many in the church.
with the position of many in the church.
Abortion is a problem?
But the slaughter of real live innocent children is merely the cost of doing business?
Cause I gotta right?
Cause I gotta right?
I'm gonna tell you flat out, your maker has a problem with that.
And no I'm not against guns.
They are fun to shoot and in the country
you practically have to have them to keep vermin away from your premises etc.
They are fun to shoot and in the country
you practically have to have them to keep vermin away from your premises etc.
But this notion that somehow you're gonna
have an arsenal to protect yourself with is a bunch of falderal.
have an arsenal to protect yourself with is a bunch of falderal.
Call me after the societal institutions completely collapse
and the local chapter of the Hells Angles shows up at your door
and you're surrounded by 250+ ex military types armed to the teeth
demanding tribute
(payment, goods, food, generators, anything of value on a monthly basis etc)
and let me know how all that supporting the merchants of death worked out for you.
I'm not scared to die.
And if you were convinced of your own eternity?
You wouldn't be either.
and the local chapter of the Hells Angles shows up at your door
and you're surrounded by 250+ ex military types armed to the teeth
demanding tribute
(payment, goods, food, generators, anything of value on a monthly basis etc)
and let me know how all that supporting the merchants of death worked out for you.
I'm not scared to die.
And if you were convinced of your own eternity?
You wouldn't be either.
Poverty wages
Many in the church supported policies that kept rightful earnings from workers.
People might as well be peasants, surfs, etc, doomed to a life of indentured servitude.
Why in the world even work for wages that weren't gonna pay the bills?
Why in the world even work for wages that weren't gonna pay the bills?
Why did the church do it?
To make yourself feel good?
Because you felt like,
"It will/can never happen to us?"
"It will/can never happen to us?"
Look around you right now.
It's a lil bit of a different story right?
The minimum wage hasn't been raised in 11 years.
Adjusted for inflation for when it was last raised it's now $4.45 an hour.
Think about how much your grocery store clerk,
or the stocker putting toilet paper on the shelves,
or your garbage man
or any other number of low paying positions you liked to look down upon
and think about what they are worth to you right now.
and think about what they are worth to you right now.
It wasn't that long ago some congressional dunderheads were proposing an elimination of the federal Minimum Wage.
Shame on the church for not supporting livable wages even though it said it does.
Shame on the church for not supporting livable wages even though it said it does.
Malachi 3:5
“So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against
and perjurers,
against those who defraud laborers of their wages,
who oppress the widows and the fatherless,
and deprive the foreigners among you of justice,
but do not fear me,”
says the Lord Almighty."
(Hits on a lot of things covered here really)
and perjurers,
against those who defraud laborers of their wages,
who oppress the widows and the fatherless,
and deprive the foreigners among you of justice,
but do not fear me,”
says the Lord Almighty."
(Hits on a lot of things covered here really)
Revelation 6:6
"Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying,
“Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”
“Two pounds of wheat for a day’s wages, and six pounds of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!”
(The rich get richer, the poor get poorer basically)
And the church supported it?
Voted for it.
And now?
You're bout to find yourselves in the middle of it.
You stood with them and enabled them robbing people not only of their wages,
but of their dignity as well.
Largely because they had you hoodwinked about one issue.
but of their dignity as well.
Largely because they had you hoodwinked about one issue.
This one just strikes a nerve with me.
For obvious reasons :-).
For obvious reasons :-).
I just wanna make sure I get this right, so here goes:
It's perfectly acceptable to the church,
for a person
to go see a doctor for less than five minutes,
be prescribed strong doses of
anti psychotics,
or anti anxiety pharmaceuticals
on the basis of those five minutes
and be addicted more or less to these pharmaceuticals for life
(for most people they are extremely hard to get off of)
at great cost to their liver for processing them
and all the while enriching big pharma and the big insurance companies?
But if a man plants a seed in gods green earth he resides on,
and raises,
and consumes
the green natural plant that comes from that seed,
in a manner of his choosing?
It's perfectly acceptable to the church,
for a person
to go see a doctor for less than five minutes,
be prescribed strong doses of
anti psychotics,
or anti anxiety pharmaceuticals
on the basis of those five minutes
and be addicted more or less to these pharmaceuticals for life
(for most people they are extremely hard to get off of)
at great cost to their liver for processing them
and all the while enriching big pharma and the big insurance companies?
But if a man plants a seed in gods green earth he resides on,
and raises,
and consumes
the green natural plant that comes from that seed,
in a manner of his choosing?
Somehow the later is some kinda arch criminal dope fiend?
But the former is perfectly fine
Again, this is where logical people just say, wait a minute.
Side note:
Anything can be abused.
TV, Ice cream, shopping etc.
People can quit using cannabis
before most people
can quit drinking their coffee.
Just hush already.
Side note:
Anything can be abused.
TV, Ice cream, shopping etc.
People can quit using cannabis
before most people
can quit drinking their coffee.
Just hush already.
Genesis 1:29
“Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth,..."
Genesis 9:3
Every living creature will be food for you;
just as I gave you the green plants,
I now give you all things.
He did it before and after the flood.
Enough already, case closed.
Demonizing poor people.
Don't even get me started.
Cause you were better than them right?
Cause you were better than them right?
You didn't need help.
You were always able to pull yourself up from your boot straps.
You would never be in a situation like that would you?
To have to live on government handouts. etc.
Yeah. Right.
Matthew 23:12
"For whoever exalts himself will be humbled,
and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."
Look around.
Things look a lil different to you now in the middle of a pandemic?
"Well I helped at the food bank
and they had better vehicles than I did
and they had dogs
and they smoked and blah blah blah..."
and they had better vehicles than I did
and they had dogs
and they smoked and blah blah blah..."
I got a truckload of verses for you on this subject
So many?
I'm not even gonna waste my time with it.
It's pointless.
It's the entire book practically.
Every time you turn around the book says
help the widow, the orphan, the destitute, etc.
help the widow, the orphan, the destitute, etc.
But in this great "Christian" country of ours?
We're all about cutting taxes and enriching corporations,
their lackey CEO's,
their board of directors and their stockholders,
while at the same time cutting the social safety net.
their lackey CEO's,
their board of directors and their stockholders,
while at the same time cutting the social safety net.
How dare you people scraping by on poverty wages expect help with food.
The greed is just unimaginable.
This one could be it's own post all together.
But I'll try and make it brief.
But I'll try and make it brief.
It's not an accident where that speech was given.
See, back in the day boys and girls, we used to hide our racist overtones.
Nowadays we got white supremacist in the White House.
Stephen Miller
(Other as well, obviously)
(Other as well, obviously)
Lets see what else we got?
Gutting the voting rights act.
Gutting the voting rights act.
Suppressing the voting rights of minorities through gerrymandered congressional districts.
All, supported by the church.
In Gods name.
To not speak out against evil is to support it.
Racism is evil.
Been going to church for about forty years.
Still never heard a sermon on racism.
Who are you afraid of offending?
The people sitting in your pews?
Easier to pick on the LBGTQ community
thats probably not sitting in your pews on Sunday or something?
Racism is evil.
Been going to church for about forty years.
Still never heard a sermon on racism.
Who are you afraid of offending?
The people sitting in your pews?
Easier to pick on the LBGTQ community
thats probably not sitting in your pews on Sunday or something?
How dare you poor people of color think you have a right to vote.
How many in the church have spoken out against it?
Or is it just perfectly fine with you?
Well not me.
Oh and lets see whats else we got the church supporting it ought not to be?
ACA Rollbacks
Separation of families anyone?
Putting immigrant children in jails anybody?
Matthew 25:45
“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you,
whatever you did not do for one of the least of these,
you did not do for me.’
All things that the church supported by not speaking out about it.
2 Thessalonians 10:11
"They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie"
Cross it off the list.
You can't preach to others they shouldn't lie
and then turn around and support one who does continuously.
(Along with a lot of other things.)
(Along with a lot of other things.)
It's pretty simple
The fact of the matter is this:
The church wanted to believe what it thought
even though it went against scripture,
so God sent someone to tell them what they wanted to hear.
"I don't preach a social gospel.
I preach the gospel,
Anti-Science Positions
(Could be it's own post as well)
One small simple question.
Where did the laws that govern nature and the universe come from?
The laws of math, physics, science ect
Jeremiah 33:25
This is what the LORD says:
"If I have not established My covenant with the day and the night
and the fixed laws of heaven and earth,..."
Colossians 1:16
"For in Him all things were created,
things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible,
whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities.
All things were created through Him and for Him. "
Emphasis on ALL THINGS.
So whats the problem here?
Be joyful your God created science for man to use for his benefit.
The lawn mower you ride or push, the vehicle you drive, the road you drive on,
the tablet, laptop and phone you use to look up bible verses on.
Your refrigerator, your furnace, your air conditioner.
Virtually everything you use in your daily life,
wouldn't exist,
if it wasn't for our knowledge of the laws of science God created for us to discover and use.
But oh goodness gracious,
suggest that there are metaphors,
allegories and similes in the bible
used to explain the hard the explain
and people will have a come apart right in front of you.
I'm gonna go with Billy Graham here.
If it's good enough for him?
It's good enough for me.
It ought to be good enough for the church as well.
Back in my day we went to biology class through the week
and Sunday School on Sunday morning and people
didn't have a disconnect in their brains between the two.
I don't know what happened
but thats certainly changed over the last forty years.
"The earth isn't six thousand years old.
God created the earth in six days."
2 Peter 3:8
"Beloved, do not let this one thing escape your notice:
With the Lord a day is like a thousand years,
and a thousand years are like a day."
The key word in this verse is "like"
It doesn't say IS a thousand years.
It says "Like"
A thousand years or billions of years?
What difference does it make to man?
He won't live to see either of them.
I remember telling a friend of mine time wasn't linear.
He just smiled and laughed at me.
"Time is linear Andrew."
It's cylindrical as well.
It passes like this:
The blue ball is moving linear and the red ball moving cylindrically simultaneously.
"Time dilation explains why two working clocks will report different times after different accelerations. For example, at the ISS (International space station) time goes slower, lagging 0.007 seconds behind for every six months. For GPS satellites to work, they must adjust for similar bending of spacetime to coordinate with systems on Earth.
(and they do,
the satellites are adjusted several times a year
to match their counterparts here on earth)
to match their counterparts here on earth)
People have no problem using the GPS on their phone
but they are gonna deny the science behind it?
Time slows down the faster you go.
At the speed of light time stops.
"The faster the relative velocity, the greater the time dilation between one another,
with the rate of time reaching zero as one approaches the speed of light (299,792,458 m/s).
This causes massless particles that travel at the speed of light to be unaffected by the passage of time."
Can't wrap your head around it?
The train is traveling at the speed of light.
The passengers inside represent time being stationary.
I was working with somebody I really like not to long ago.
He said:
"You know, time is a man made concept, it's just something man made up."
I just smiled and responded with something like:
"You know I used to think the same thing.
Till I did some research on the subject.
Time and space are woven together like the fabric of a trampoline.
As you look back through space, you are simultaneously looking back through time.
Not only that, but objects with mass (Stars, Planets, Galaxys, Nebulas etc )
cause gravity to warp spacetime.
cause gravity to warp spacetime.
They are like a bowling ball sitting on the trampoline of spacetime.
There ya go, the theory of relativity explained in layman's terms in less than a minute.
Who created time again?
"All things were created through Him and for Him."
Isaiah 55:8
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.…"
God created science.
You don't get to use all it's benefits
but then deny the parts of it you can't understand or don't like.
How in the world people can do the mental gymnastics necessary to
support the positions listed here,
but can not accept metaphors, allegories and similes in the bible,
(Which by no means distort their truth BTW)
it is just beyond me.
The church has lost any and all moral authority
by supporting an evil, greedy, racist, immoral political agenda.
I don't have a flock to take care of,
or concerns about how much last Sunday's offering was.
I'm free to speak what God puts on my heart
without concern about political fall out in a localized church.
or concerns about how much last Sunday's offering was.
I'm free to speak what God puts on my heart
without concern about political fall out in a localized church.
Trust me it's all by design.
"I said it two years ago:
I firmly and unequivocally believe that we (Me and Lucy) have been given commission
to come challenge the religious and political precepts that prevail today.
I come with a lot of evidence to back up that claim.
From Matthew Henry's commentary on Joel Two.
"and whoever he employs to execute his word,
as the minister of his justice,
is sure to be made strong and par negotio—
equal to what he undertakes;
whom God gives commission to
he girds with strength for the executing of that commission."
"Some of these guys will look like absolute freaks"

"...the new mystics will not be looking for religious acceptance,
nor will they fear the opinions of any man.
Neither will they eat what they are fed.
They will hunt for themselves."
any subject,
minimal prep time.
Wait till the recompense gets here in just a lil bit.
Rewards for works
Then how you gonna argue with me about what I've said
and why I've said I said it?
Wait till you here about the things I've been praying for for years now.
(You'll have to come see that, I'm not gonna post about it, it's meant to be witnessed.)
And it's not at all me, it is about entirely turning yourself over to the holy spirit.
"I said it two years ago:
I firmly and unequivocally believe that we (Me and Lucy) have been given commission
to come challenge the religious and political precepts that prevail today.
I come with a lot of evidence to back up that claim.
From Matthew Henry's commentary on Joel Two.
"and whoever he employs to execute his word,
as the minister of his justice,
is sure to be made strong and par negotio—
equal to what he undertakes;
whom God gives commission to
he girds with strength for the executing of that commission."
"Some of these guys will look like absolute freaks"

"...the new mystics will not be looking for religious acceptance,
nor will they fear the opinions of any man.
Neither will they eat what they are fed.
They will hunt for themselves."
any subject,
minimal prep time.
Matthew 10:19-20
do not worry about how to respond or what to say.
In that hour you will be given what to say.
For it will not be you speaking,
but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.…
2 Corinthians 3:12
Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold
Rewards for works
Then how you gonna argue with me about what I've said
and why I've said I said it?
Wait till you here about the things I've been praying for for years now.
(You'll have to come see that, I'm not gonna post about it, it's meant to be witnessed.)
And it's not at all me, it is about entirely turning yourself over to the holy spirit.
Everything that is going on in the world?
Makes perfect sense to me.
I'm not scared at all.
My eternity is sealed.
Is yours?
It's not to late.
Let me tell you something.
Were just seeing the start of things.
Gods had enough.
"The Great Apostasy"
has been fulfilled.
I rest my case.
I rest my case.
It's okay to disagree on things in the church,
Just not any of the following:
"I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord;
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried;*
the third day he rose from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic** church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.
(Catholic meaning universal Christian Church.)
Commercial Babylon has fallen.
Destruction of Commercial Babylon
Spiritual babylon is next.
Destruction of Ecclesiastical Babylon
(And no, I do not agree with everything lil thing in both those articles.
The idea here is just to get some people up to speed.)
And no thats not the order things happens in the book of Revelation either.
Chapter 17 is about Spiritual Babylon falling.
Chapter 18 is about Commercial Babylon's fall.
about puzzle pieces etc.
Reference the above on time dilation,
speed of light
space time etc.
Throw your linear time frame references about the book of revelation
out the window.
They are irrelevant.
"I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord;
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried;*
the third day he rose from the dead;
he ascended into heaven,
and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic** church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.
(Catholic meaning universal Christian Church.)
Commercial Babylon has fallen.
Destruction of Commercial Babylon
Spiritual babylon is next.
Destruction of Ecclesiastical Babylon
(And no, I do not agree with everything lil thing in both those articles.
The idea here is just to get some people up to speed.)
And no thats not the order things happens in the book of Revelation either.
Chapter 17 is about Spiritual Babylon falling.
Chapter 18 is about Commercial Babylon's fall.
about puzzle pieces etc.
Reference the above on time dilation,
speed of light
space time etc.
Throw your linear time frame references about the book of revelation
out the window.
They are irrelevant.
Just consider this post part one of a series.
There will be more to follow soon.
Takes a minute sometimes Yo.
Get it?
Takes a minute?
Took about 10 hours over the course of several days actually :-).
I know Lucy gets it :-)
God bless ya honey.
You're the greatest baby.
I love you sweetheart.
See ya soon.
There will be more to follow soon.
Takes a minute sometimes Yo.
Get it?
Takes a minute?
Took about 10 hours over the course of several days actually :-).
I know Lucy gets it :-)
God bless ya honey.
You're the greatest baby.
I love you sweetheart.
See ya soon.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
a global Pandemic.
A locust Plague.
And looming famines of biblical proportion by my count.
“We could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a short few months,” WFP Executive Director David Beasley told the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday.
Wait till the wars break out and the natural disasters hit.
Think multiple severe earthquakes
in the middle of a war torn area
with pandemic raging all around
and then you are probably
starting to see the beginning
of the scope of things.
in the middle of a war torn area
with pandemic raging all around
and then you are probably
starting to see the beginning
of the scope of things.
Return to normal?
Were not even getting started yet.
Humble yourselves.
Accept God.
Give thanks for the gift of eternal salvation
available for your soul that you don't deserve.
available for your soul that you don't deserve.
John 12:48
There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words;the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day.
Your eternal salvation or damnation depends on your acceptance of Christ.
It's just that simple.
Joel 2:32
And everyone who callson the name of the Lord will be saved;...
It's your only hope,
it really is.
But you have to mean it
or it won't work.
kinda seems to be the whole point.
“If it becomes a faction of Rick vs. Bob,
that would be bad for the Covid response.”
"An anti-malarial drug President Trump has aggressively promoted (Why?) to treat covid-19 had no benefit and was linked to higher rates of death for Veterans Affairs patients hospitalized with the novel coronavirus, according to a study, raising further questions about the safety and efficacy of a treatment that has seen widespread use in the pandemic.
I'm gonna ask again,
at what point is it not merely incompetence
but purely the work of satanic influence?
It's like we want people to die in this country
Go back to work.
Take some unproven and unsafe medicine.
Just constant misstep after misstep.
I mean whats the game plan besides not accepting responsibility?
(Why in the world you expect someone to do so who has never had to their entire life is beyond me but I digress...)
and deflecting attention and blame any and every way you can.
It's China one day.
(Yes I know, they weren't exactly saints in this matter)
Its the Governors the next.
Then its the Democrats one day.
Then its the WHO the next.
Then it's Immigrants one day...
It's none of that.
The problem is an absolute failure of leadership at the top.
It's pretty plain and simple.
Leaders take responsibility.
Regardless of the outcome.
I am
just absolutely fed up,
pockets of people
getting far more media attention than they deserve.
It gives these groups far more credence than they deserve.
Political or religious,
doesn't matter.
Sick of 'em.
They are being manipulated by right wing extremist groups pushing their...
You guessed it,
evil greedy racist agenda.
"The online coordination offered additional clues about how the protest activity is spreading nationwide, capturing the imagination of the president and of Fox News even though it represents the views of a small minority of Americans."
"Jeanine Pirro, a Fox News host and avid Trump supporter, interviewed Maddock on her show Saturday, telling her, “Keep going. Thank you.” Tucker Carlson, another Fox host, featured Maddock last week. “Thank you for coming on tonight, and thank you for exercising your constitutionally protected rights as an American,” he told her. “Bless you.”
I'm sure they would have said the same things to Black Lives Matter activist right? Black people shouldn't protest being slaughtered like animals in the streets but when it comes to overwhelmingly white protest?
Well then by all means:
"Thank you for exercising your constitutionally protected rights as an American,”
This is exactly what is meant by systemic racism in this country.
The hypocracy
is just absolutely dumbfounding.
'There are more important things than living...'
Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick
'There are more important things than living'
Unless you're a fetus?
Then its all that matters?
I've said it for almost forty years now.
I'll say it till I die.
The whole right to life movement was a sham from the get go.
I'm old enough to remember when it didn't exist.
It's always been a movement created on a faulty theology to serve the political expediency of a evil greedy racist elite by taking advantage of a certain demographic to gain power and push their evil greedy racist agenda.
And no I'm not pro-abortion.
I'm pro:
"Nobody knows when the soul enters the body and without a soul there is no murder and even if there was a soul and murder was committed David and Moses were murders and they found their redemption so mind your own sins."
And it's a completely biblical position I've posted on here before
and I'm willing to debate anybody over it any time anywhere.
You've been hoodwinked for decades.
And now their showing it to you.
Right out in the open.
They might as well be saying:
"Get back to work peasants, my paper is starting to loose its value."
I mean if you don't care about living breathing people?
Why in the world should anyone believe you about your concern for the unborn?
This inst the first time this guy has said something like this either.
Ones an accident, twos a trend, threes a pattern.
Texas Lt Governor
Dan Patrick
March 23rd 2020
"Let's get back to work. Let's get back to living. Let's be smart about it," Patrick said. "And those of us who are 70 plus, we'll take care of ourselves. But don't sacrifice the country."
The Texas Democratic Party Chair Gilberto Hinojosa said in a statement that Patrick and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) "would put Texans at-risk to enrich themselves and their stock portfolios."
"They would see our family members die to bail out Wall Street," Hinojosa said. "The lives of our families, our friends, and our communities have no dollar amount. Texas Republicans can no longer claim to be the pro-life party anymore.”
The guy absolutely nailed it.
I'll give you another example.
Remember when the Global War on Terror was in full swing?
And ISIS came into being etc?
How many times did you hear a Senator or congressperson say,
with their all chest puffed out and such:
"The health and safety of the American people are my number one priority." ?
Yeah right.
Until there is a Pandemic in full swing.
then it's all:
"Go back to work for your non-livable wages till you die surfs"
It's sickening.
I said it two years ago:
firmly and unequivocally believe that we have been given commission
to come challenge the religious and political precepts that prevail today.
I come with a lot of evidence to back up that claim.
I'm not scared to either.
That is a funny thing about the truth,
it doesn't care what you think.
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
generally don't bring good news.
Isaiah 30:9-10
These are rebellious people, deceitful children, children unwilling to obey the LORD’s instruction. They say to the seers, “No more visions,” and to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us the truth. Speak to us pleasant words; prophesy illusions."
Here is the good news:
Joel 2:32
And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved;
for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem
there will be deliverance,
as the Lord has said,
even among the survivors
whom the Lord calls.
But you have to mean it.
Or it won't do you any good.
I'm not worried about much of anything.
I've been ready to die in this realm a long time now.
My eternity is sealed.
Is yours?
Accept him into your heart and yours will be as well.
and yeah,
just a lil FYI
said this a while back:
Then Paul answered,
“Why are you weeping and breaking my heart?
I am ready not only to be bound,
but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
I've said it before.
It's where I fully expect to die.
Probably assassinated.
Along with somebody else.
I love you honey.
I love you honey.
Monday, April 20, 2020
all you Ron Paul ditch the Fed conspiracy types:
Exactly what mechanism would you have had in place
to inject 4 trillion into the economy in a weeks time?
Your local bank?
At least the Fed delayed the inevitable.
Everybodys bullshit is being exposed for what it is.
Just in case you haven't noticed.
Except this:
Thats pure truth.
Luke 8:17
"For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed,
and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open."
watched an interview with Janet Yellen
a lil bit ago and the former head of the Fed
asserted the economy was solid pre-coronavirus.
I read much the same thing from the Fed Chair in St Louis I think it was.
No the economy wasn't,
"There are several “knotty structural problems”
that he says can’t be helped by an accommodative monetary policy,
unsupportable pensions,
mounting consumer debt,
a health-care system that’s bankrupting the country,
outrageous student loan debt,
funding unwinnable wars, etc.
The “loose money” approach is actually “metastasizing” a new set of problems
that will ultimately “bring this sucker down.”
All that free-flowing Fed cash is nothing more than
“socially useless financial activity”
that, he says, enriches a few at the top and leaves the rest of the country behind."
The great recession?
Will seem like nothing when it goes down this time.
Keep trying to tell people.
It's not me doing the talking.
It's not my fault if people don't listen honey.
I'm doing my job.
I love you honey.
Every time
you hear these buffoons yap
about how quick things are going to recover?
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on an economic rebound:
"I think it will be months,
I definitely don't think it will be years.
We are going to conquer this virus,
we are going to have terrific breakthroughs"
You can count on it getting worse.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
While people are saying,
“Peace and safety,”
destruction will come on them suddenly,
as labor pains on a pregnant woman,
and they will not escape.
Daddys boy billionaire wall street banker.
Yep, daddy was a wall street banker too.
He couldn't have any kind of vested interest in keeping the markets as high as possible could he?
Especially when he knows his pronouncements can have a impact on the stock markets performance?
He's trying to save as much of his money as possible.
Good luck.
is the much more likely scenario:
"you can no longer take the stock market as a barometer of where the economy is headed."
It's merely investors, trying to save their ass.
"We already have unemployment of about 15%–the worst since the Great Depression. Granted, it’s likely temporary, but it’s also still rising. While it has been the fastest rate of rise in history, its increase has actually been slowed by the government’s inability to process applications. So, we know a backlog of additional unemployment is already pouring down the pipe.
Sounds like some thing we should be able to fix in a few months right?
But wait, theres more.
"Even if Gilead’s treatment for coronavirus proves to be all that and gets fast tracked, look at how quickly the pandemic spread in a month’s time even under extreme containment efforts."
"We’ve seen consumer sentiment fall off a cliff...this coronavirus treatment has a lot of production and distribution pipeline to travel to get to us, even if approved today. Sentiment will keep dropping.
"We were already three years into a Retail Apocalypse before the coronavirus hit. Are those brick-and-mortar stores that remained as marginal going to re-open when they already struggled to survive? Are marginal malls going to return to business? Restaurants run on thin margins as it is. With fewer returning stores, there will be fewer shoppers, so fewer returning restaurants."
"Will people return to hotels and airplanes and cruise ships anytime soon?
If no, then fewer jobs will be returning there, too."
Side note:
United Airlines announced today lost 2.1 billion in the first quarter of this year.
"United expects to receive $5 billion from the US in payroll grants and loans as it weathers the health crisis. The Chicago-based firm said it has also applied for up to $4.5 billion in government loans.
Wanna protest something?
Go protest business receiving billions that are gonna fail anyway.
Were just gonna do this every month?
For how long?
Oh but it gets better.
"Some local governments are now asking that all summer events be cancelled as a precaution. That’s another full quarter of planned downturn after the present quarter. Even if Gilead’s new treatment rapidly clears all studies, it cannot be approved in time to save summer. The loss of summer employment and economic activity hasn’t even entered the sewer pipe yet."
Gonna be all better in a few months.
"Massive local and state government tax losses will force governments to make permanent layoffs."
"Defaulting consumer debt, defaulting home mortgages, defaulting commercial mortgages."
"Then there will come the flow of defaulting banks into the pipeline as they choke on all the above defaults."
I've always said the to big to fail banks will fail someday.
It's all on here.
Multiple times.
"What about Carmageddon? Detroit has been misfiring for years. Are presently unemployed people going to take out a big loan to slam it down on a new Ford or Chevy as soon as a coronavirus cure gets them back to work?"
A lot more people drive cars than fly on airplanes.
I'ts not only that people won't be buying cars any time soon it's the small and medium sized parts suppliers who won';t be able to stay afloat and go under as well. That logic applies to the energy sector also as oil services companies are the ones that actually get the oil from the ground to the refinery.
These are the drillers and technicians and transporters etc.
They are all subcontractors for the energy giants.
They're not gonna make it either.
So when we finally do get a vaccine?
And things do start to come back to life?
All the oil in storage (Storage capacity will be full in a few weeks despite the OPEC+ production cuts BTW) will be used up quickly and the supply/demand curve will switch because there won't be enough oil to produce the products needed to meet demand when the time comes.
"How can anyone claim that a stock market that is only down about 15% from its formerly overvalued level has come close to pricing in all that we know is in the pipeline for 2020?"
It's really simple.
You can't.
Few months my ass.
Fucking moron.
Trust me, they know whats gonna happen.
It's not what they are telling you.
Trying to save every penny of his own he can would be my best guess.
2 Timothy 3:13
while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Quoted text are from the following article:
Christians should rejoice, your book is being proven true.
Revelation 19:6-7
“Hallelujah! For our Lord God, the Almighty, reigns.
Let us rejoice and celebrate and give Him the glory."
Isaiah 34 Judgment Against the Nations
Isaiah 34:10-15
Judgment Against the Nations
From generation to generation it will lie desolate;
no one will ever pass through it again.
The desert owl and screech owl will possess it;
the great owl and the raven will nest there.
God will stretch out over Edom
(Think Gods enemies in this context)
the measuring line of chaos
and the plumb line of desolation.
Her nobles will have nothing there to be called a kingdom,
all her princes will vanish away.
Thorns will overrun her citadels,
nettles and brambles her strongholds.
She will become a haunt for jackals,
a home for owls.
Desert creatures will meet with hyenas,
and wild goats will bleat to each other;
there the night creatures will also lie down
and find for themselves places of rest.
The owl will nest there and lay eggs,
she will hatch them, and care for her young
under the shadow of her wings;
there also the falcons will gather,
each with its mate.
Whats happening now is just a foreshadowing of whats to come.
Coyotes in San Francisco.
Lions on a road they would normally be far from in a popular
national park in South Africa.
Goats in Wales
Wild pigs on the streets of Paris
Like I said,
this is only a foreshadowing
of whats to come.
Matthew 24:22
If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved.
But for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened.
I'm still waiting for somebody to bring me another religious text that details the events of today.
Guess what?
Won't happen.
It's not some hocuspocus fairy tale.
It's the truth the light and the way.
The only way actually.
The evidence is overwhelmingly right in front of you.
You'll have absolutely no excuse come judgement day.
Start asking people how to become a Christian.
Read the book.
Doesnt matter if you don't know how, just start.
Get on your knees.
Humble yourselves.
"God I've never done this before, I don't even know how
but I'm seeing the signs of the truth you've laid out before us
and I'm coming to you
begging, pleading for things I know I don't deserve..."
He'll guide you along.
You'll know what to say.
You're not alone in this.
But Drew
(I can already hear them :-)
People thought it was the end times after WW1
(Killed 40 million)
and the Spanish Flu pandemic
(Killed 20-50 million)
My response will always be the same:
Did you miss?
(Posted Sept 29, 2017)
“I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian—
brother will fight against brother,
neighbor against neighbor,
city against city,
kingdom against kingdom."
Did you miss
(Posted Sept 29, 2017)
"He will stretch out his hand against the north
and destroy Assyria,
leaving Nineveh utterly desolate
and dry as the desert."
The Assyrian empire expanded to eventually contain
what is all of modern day Syria within it's borders.
Did you miss?
(Posted Sept 29, 2017)
A Prophecy Against Damascus
“See, Damascus will no longer be a city
but will become a heap of ruins."
Did you miss
September 23rd, 2017?
First time the stars had aligned like that in 3000 years.
Revelation 12:1-6
The Woman and the Dragon
"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun,
with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth."
About is the key word there.
Christ new church is almost born.
Satan knows it.
His days are over.
Did you miss?
Solar eclipse 2017
Isaiah 13:10
The stars of heaven and their constellations
will not show their light.
The rising sun will be darkened
and the moon will not give its light.
Did you miss?
"and the moon will not give its light."
Lunar eclipse January 2018
Super Blood Moon
Joel 2:30
The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
"We had a Blue Moon on January 31, 2018.
It was a supermoon, too, and underwent a total eclipse.
Two Blue Moons in a year is indeed rare.
We haven’t had a year with two Blue Moons since 1999
and won’t have one again until January and March, 2037."
Did you miss
The first observed interstellar visitor to our solar system.
Did you miss?
The crazy critters?
Washing up all over the place?
Did you miss?
Fuego volcano’s eruption
Hawaii Kilauea Volcano Eruption 2018
My kitchen window.
Unfiltered photo.
It was so bright you couldn't hardly look at it.
Joel 2:30-31
I will show wonders in the heavens
and on the earth,
blood and fire and billows of smoke.
The sun will be turned to darkness
and the moon to blood
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.
Did you miss?
Matthew 24:3-4
"...Tell us, when shall these things be?
and what shall be the sign of thy coming,
and of the end of the world?
and Jesus answered and said unto them,
Take heed that no man deceive you."
"Take heed that no man deceive you."
Did you miss?
Locust swarms?
(Posted Feb 26th, 2020)
Did you miss?:
Because it was right after killing General Soleimani we started boasting.
About the world being safer.
About it being more prosperous etc.
I thought oh shit.
Said so too.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
While people are saying,
“Peace and safety,”
destruction will come on them suddenly,
as labor pains on a pregnant woman,
and they will not escape.
All those signs didn't occur back then.
Humble yourselves.
Were not in charge.
Oh and BTW?
Me and Lucy talked about it two years ago:
Watch Lucys video again in that link.
Tell me were not who we are.
"We are what we are
That's the way it's going to be"
I love you honey.
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