Monday, June 15, 2020


you go around preaching?
All your life?
All kinds of \about

"the sanctity of all life"?

But all you really meant was this:

But then you are just absolutely amazingly stunningly silent?
About the sanctity of this life?
(You've seen a lot of right to life protesters out in the streets these days right?)

Or others lives, too numerous to mention?

I'm gonna flat out call a spade a spade when I see one.
You're a racist hypocrite and your position is not supported biblicaly.
It doesn't matter who you are or where you go to church.

And then to have the gall to be offended?
When somebody calls you out on what you really are?
Just cant figure out why more people don't go to your church etc?
Cause they see you speaking out of both sides of your mouth.
It's just plain as day.
Especially right now.
And they're not gonna be a part of it.
It's not hard to figure out.

Plenty of pretenders and posers in the pews and pulpits on Sunday.
Plenty of racist and their enablers too.
Believe that.

Church took a wrong turn.
The silence is enabling evil.
Course correction coming.

The Narrow and Wide Gates

Matthew 7:13-14

“Enter through the narrow gate. 
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.'

I wouldn't get to smug about your place in eternity.
If you value this:

but then turn a blind eye and a silent mouth to this:

It's really not that hard to figure out.

Posted here

I firmly and unequivocally believe that we (Me and Lucy) have been given commission
to come challenge the religious and political precepts that prevail today.

I come with a lot of evidence to back up that claim.

It's not like I haven't said it before.
I bet you have your evidence as well that I know nothing about Lucy.

People don't like us?
People don't wanna be our friends?
Not a problem.
Couldn't care less.
People don't wanna hear what we got to say?



"...the new mystics will not be looking for religious acceptance
nor will they fear the opinions of any man. 
Neither will they eat what they are fed. 
They will hunt for themselves."

Evangelicals got played for 40 years.
(Technically I am one)
Wake up!

I love you baby.
GN sweetheart.

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