Tuesday, April 26, 2022

New Chapel UMC


Good Friday, April 15th 2022.

Sometimes we don't notice the moment for what it is when it happens.

This is not one of those instances.

If a "movement" were to be started? 

This date should be recognized as the day that seed was planted.

Forty nine people came to New Chapel UMC for a Good Friday Luncheon/Teaching point session on the events of Good Friday and it's history etc, led by pastor Mark Watson of Boling Chapel UMC. It was the most people we have had in our building for a minimum of six years.

I dare say that record will soon be eclipsed...repeatedly...and soon...

As the first person chosen to be New Chapels Historian? 

I just felt like the day needed to be commemorated. 

Members of Hilldale UMC, Lewisport UMC, and Boling Chapel UMC were all present, as were others from other churches and denominations from the surrounding area.

Some (but by no means all) in attendance included:

Bridgette Hutchinson

Mickey Richardson and her daughter

Mark Watson 

Kenny Palmer

Barbara Glover

Richard and Marjorie Wilson

RJ and Sue Simpson

Nick Simson

Nick Simpson

Andrew Hollifield

Yvonne Taylor

Frank and Betty Greathouse

Larry and Marianne Hubbard and their daughters Shelly and Janet

Ricky and Karen Colbert

Karen's sister Dianne (I'm not even gonna try and spell her last name RN :-)

Faye Roberts

Susan Janowick

Bob Camberon

If somehow I could get me the names of the others that were there with the correct spellings of their names it would be greatly appreciated.

I got over half of those in attendance just off the top of my head. I apologize in advance for any misspellings, omissions etc., I assure you nothing was intentional...

I'm Just trying to get something documented here and goodness knows the longer we wait to do so the more our memory of events will fade. 

Hopefully in the near future a complete list of those in attendance with correct spellings etc can be assembled and this post edited for the sake of accuracy, completion and history.

It's the plan anyway :-).

I love you baby :-).

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