Tuesday, October 15, 2024



I can. 

That's why.

Part of that:

"heaven on earth"

I've been yappin about 

for a while now.


I wonder,

what on earth

he could be referring to?

Israel says ‘national interests’ will dictate retaliation against Iran

"PM Netanyahu’s office says it will consider US ‘opinions’, but Israel will make its own decision in attacking Iran."

"Israel will take into account the “opinions” of the United States but will ultimately act against an Iranian missile attack according to its own “national interests”, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office has said."


Nukes gotta go.)

"The statement followed news reports, quoting unnamed US officials, that Netanyahu told the White House any counterstrike would be limited to military sites, not nuclear or energy facilities, suggesting a more limited attack aimed at preventing a full-scale war."

"The Wall Street Journal, quoting anonymous US officials, said the assurance was made in a call last week between Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden, as well as in conversations between US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant."

"The plan “was met with relief in Washington”, The Washington Post reported."

Then why are we sending them the THADD?

Why do we have the USS Georgia in the region?

As well as a squadron of F-22's?

I dont believe em for a second.

People are on to em.

If its not this attack?

it will be after Iran retaliates.

But rest assured


Well surprise, surprise, surprise...

China 'punishes' Taiwan president remarks with new drills

"China on Monday launched new military drills off the coast of Taiwan in what it described as "punishment" for a speech given by its president William Lai, when he vowed to "resist annexation" or "encroachment upon our sovereignty".

China claims the self-governing island of Taiwan as its own and its president Xi Jinping has vowed to retake it by force if necessary.

Taiwan said it detected 34 naval vessels and 125 aircraft in formation around the island on Monday."

"Maps published by Chinese state media indicated its forces were positioned around the whole island. It said later that the drills had been successfully concluded."

"The Chinese military, known as the People's Liberation Army (PLA) said the drills involved all wings of the army and were designed to simulate attacking Taiwan by land, sea and air."

"Senior Captain Li Xi, spokesperson of the PLA Eastern Theater Command said the drills "fully tested the integrated joint operation capabilities" of its troops."

"But while these drills were widely expected, the deployment and how close Chinese ships and aircraft were to Taiwan - as well as the fiery rhetoric - could be seen as very aggressive behaviour."

'In any other context, it would have been seen as a dramatic escalation - but it came against the backdrop of tensions that were already very high."

(Ask yourself:

How unlikely is it really

that Russia rolls over 

Eastern Europe

(They aint used shit so far BTW, 

dont believe the US/Western propaganda),

and Iran and others 

launch a massive air campaign

(Drones, cruise and ballistic missiles)

overwhelming Israel's air defenses...

And China invades Taiwan?






Revelation 19:19

Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth with their armies assembled to wage war against the One seated on the horse, and against His army.

Revelation 16:14, 16

For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

Joel 3:2

I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning My people, My inheritance, Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations as they divided up My land.

Chuck Missler Genesis Commentary Session Four

Here we go again lol.

I couldn't stand that song lol
or them lol.





What are the odds 
we just happened to have won 
"The universe lottery"?

It's just stupid.

And if it wasn't for the inflation models?
(1000's of em BTW)
trying to excuse away:

The flatness problem.
The homogeneous problem
and the lack of left over 
magnetic monopoles
in the universe?

It would have never even
showed up in the equations.




Part of the problem were going to see here is that by trying to prove there isn't a god?

Scientist unknowingly to them, proved that there has to be ONE.

I highly recommend watching the video by Gerald Schroeder at the end of this post.


"...for our our fourth session in our review of the book of Genesis and if you recognize that in this fourth session we're still in chapter one and taking a few verses of time let me put your mind at ease we're going very slowly through the six days of creation for some very fundamental reasons as a person who studied the Bible for more than four decades I have to tell you that I was startled to realize"


"how fundamental the concept of creation is to this whole issue of the final judgment we've just done a comprehensive study on hell and heaven and all of that death of death and dying and I'm surprised to realize how fundamental our concepts of the creation are if you have no other knowledge of the ruler of the universe he holds everyone accountable on that basis we need to understand the creation" 

(He created it, 

he rules it 

and he will judge those 

he created in his image who are in it.)

"it's not just a casual Doctrine so we're going through the six days very carefully and uh because they each embrace some discoveries scientifically that we as just aware people need to be sensitive to so we're going very very slowly to give you a feeling for the entire book we'll be going through the Book of Genesis in about 24 sessions in total so once we get through chapter one the pace obviously will pick up a bit we won't be uh you know dissecting it to that level of detail but uh before we get into the material you probably have noticed my Beads anybody notice my beads you're probably wondering what on Earth yeah I occasionally wear these when I speak to make the host nervous you know I wonder what is Chuck up to this time well these are some beads that uh came about a very strange way uh I spilled a bunch of black and white beads on the floor and I picked them up randomly and threaded them on a string and the strangest thing happened after I put them all together I noticed that it spells out Morse code did it as I dot it is in in then there's dot t four dots H the in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth now let's it happened to be Genesis 1 1in Morse code all by absolute random chance how many of you have just believed the story I've just told you why are you laughing why are you laughing if you believe that this happened by accident I've got some property I'd like to show you no you know it's interesting you haven't done the math but you know just from your gut that that's impossible for 247 beads to arrive in exactly that order that would represent that kind of intelligence in the beginning God God created the Heaven and the earth I assume that verse Rings familiar to you as the opening of The Bible well that's really what we're going to talk about the great question is"


"what's the chance of this being by chance could this have occurred by random chance well let's analyze that a little bit there are 347 beads here and they're either black or white so there's an alphabet of two right so the chance of any particular sequence a specific sequence emerging happens to be uh two raised to the 347th power or that's roughly roughly equivalent to 10 with a hundred and four zeros after"


"it now that's a big number it's probably a bigger number than any of us in this room be included have any capacity to imagine it's a very large number


"you see any number with more than 10 with 50 zeros after it is defined in physics as absurd as you start getting into these probabilities that are very very rare there is a point in mathematics where you need to have a cutoff and and in the in in science they've decided that 10 to the 50th is I forget whose law it is is defined as absurd by the time you get that large you really are out there it's highly unlikely so unlikely because they say it doesn't happen so now this is just a simple string of 47 elements you know you wouldn't allow me to try to sell your kids that this happened by accident but you send them to school where they teach them that we happened from an accident you and I came from a rock..."

"Don't let them fool ya

or even try to school ya

We've got a mind of our own

So go to hell

if what you're thinking 

is  not right."

"and uh let's just take one molecule we're going to talk about molecules a little bit tonight so I'll use that as my excuse to get into this here in your blood you have a thing called hemoglobin right hemoglobin happens to consist of 574 elements not from an alphabet of two but an alphabet of 20. okay so that complicates it quite a bit in fact these are the 20 and I will go through that here but there are 20 different amino acids and it takes 36 of one kind 68 of another and so forth these and but they have to also be in a specific order if you don't get the specific order it's called hemoglobinopathy it's usually fatal the formula for linear Arrangements uh and"


"I won't take you through the factorials but it comes out to 10 with 650 zeros after it so if this is 104 zeros after it and your hemoglobin 650 what's the likelihood that hemoglobin happens by accident it's really really absurd okay and yet uh uh and if and if if only one of those sequences is hemoglobin there's a few places there can be some some tolerance but very little and uh if you otherwise you have what they call hemoglobinopathy it turns out to be basically a blood disease that's usually is fatal so uh so much for that now the impossibility of chance you need to understand some of these numbers if you assume the world has been around for 18 billion years like many scientists do that's only 10 to the 18th seconds if you take the entire history of the universe as conceived by the astronomers call it 16, 18 billion whatever that's only about 10 to the 18th seconds in the history of the universe you see 10 to the 18th is a big number we're talking 10 to the 650 you got to be kidding they're only 10 to the 66th atoms in our entire galaxy by Common estimates of the scientists and if you take subatomic particles there's only 10 to the 80th you see and we're talking here just a 10 to the 104 get serious guys and as I indicated 10 to the 50 is absurd and the specificity then of the hemoglobin is far beyond any rational comprehension of it being ascribed to chance let me give you another way to rationalize it having hemoglobin happened by accident most of you are familiar with the Idaho Lottery I understand the odds there about 180 million to win what's your chances of winning it every day for 90 days in a row you see not likely okay so so we have the elements of language we've got cement the other thing about the codes by the way is there's thing called semantics what do the symbols mean these symbols just black and white beads the symbols that are used in hemoglobin each one has a meaning it defines amino acid remember Paul Revere's Ride one by land two if by C and all that that's one of the simplest binary codes you can find it's a one bit message one bit's a carrier bit it's either that just proves the guy didn't fall off the ladder get into the old North Church there's a one bit once by land two if by C you remember all that do you realize that if the British at that time had the most powerful supercomputers they couldn't have cracked that code because its meaning comes about only because of prior arrangement that's it you couldn't crack that as a typical cryptograph so anyway again did that code occur randomly no by careful planning people agreed that if it's one it's going to be this two of it's going to be that way and so forth so anyway these are coding structures they're very simple alphabets most of them have seen those there are codes that are designed to be error detecting you have you when you when you use your computer you have eight bit bytes you only need seven the reason you have eight bits they're one bits of parity code it's an error it detects if there's a if there's an error if you use 11 bits you can make it error correcting you can do three parity checks overlapping so that when you get the parity error it'll tell you which position the error is and since it's binary you can reverse it and you've corrected it so it's possible there are computers that have been built the Nfsq 27 that you can actually go and pull cards out while it's running and it contains running our air defense computers are built of that kind so there are error detecting codes they're error correcting codes in other words codes themselves can get incredibly sophisticated there's probably not one engineer and a thousand that knows how to design an error detecting code certainly not an error correcting code unless that's his area of specialization there's also adaptive coding codes that will modify themselves depending on the occasion that's a whole other level of sophistication now we talked here about a simple alphabet a simple binary string and that's 104th the hemoglobin that was 574 Elements by 20. the DNA code is a shocker not just because it's complicated the  DNA code is an error correcting not an error correcting three out of four binary code it is an incredibly sophisticated code scientists are still beginning just beginning to discover some of its features and we'll talk more about that when we get to the to day six we're in day four DNA is three out of four error correcting self it's a code that's self-replicating error free and it's Error correcting from cosmic rays and other such things"

(I go straight up quantum tunneling the information from black holes here.)

"it doesn't have 247 it's got 3 billion elements defining the manufacturer and the arrangement of hundreds of thousands of machines in that code it defines the machine and arranges for its manufacturer these it consists of unique assemblies selected from over 200 proteins not an alphabet of two but an alphabet of 200 each involving three thousand atoms in a three-dimensional configurations and they're all defined from an original alphabet of 20. so what's the probability of that happening by chance no way no way


"the DNA molecule has put the final nails In Darwin's coffin as far as any rational concept of chance is concerned..." 

(That was 21 years ago. Faulty premises never yield truthful conclusions, life here was not an accident and the genetic code in the DNA molecule (The information that has to come from an external source that NOBODY ("scientist" anyway)wants to talk about) gives it away.

And if life wasn't an accident here? 

What makes you think you are gonna find life anywhere else?

This was 2003 remember. And yet here we are with "scientist" today some 21 years later, while knowing all of what was just said, still looking for the "origin of life." Its beyond stupidity, they never look for where the essential component (information) came from and they don't because of one simply reason, they know they will never be able to find it or explain it and they dont want you to know it, Well? tough shit.)

"...and I we won't go through the code here we'll do that when we get to but we are going to see that one reason I get into this here is in day three which is where we're undertaking we are going to encounter we've encountered all kinds of interesting things so far the fabric of space and all that but now we're going to encounter counter this strange thing called life and so we had an introduction to the Torah the first time we met talked about authorship the book of Beginnings the nature of time itself we talked about the age of the Earth and such things and then in day one we talked about the possibility the conjecture that there may have been a gap between verses one and two we talked about the origin of Satan because Satan has fallen by the time we get to the uh Chapter 3 of Genesis when did he fall no one knows, the Angels created the Angels were created before the Earth because they sing Job tells us when the Earth was created so they're very early well when did Satan fall no one knows it's a mystery but we talked about that we also ran into light the first quote of God let the light be and we talked about the bizarre discoveries they're making about light itself and then the last time we met we talked about the fabric of space that space is the vacuum of space has all kinds of surprising physical properties not the least of which 


"a cubic centimeter of empty space cool to absolute zero has more energy in it than a hundred million Suns."

(Fallen angels, 

megalithic structures, 


zero point energy 


What is your better

more comprehensive 


Three streams of evidence for mine:

The structures themselves,

the oral traditions 

of the local populaces

and an ancient text.

Explains all of them.
What does your explanation got?

Bring an army.

"Well thats not scientific"

Yeah well

Neither are 


that cant be disproven

Multiverse etc...

This shit today isnt science anymore.

Its really not.)

"and that sounds bizarre the whole concept is zero point uh Zero Point Energy is a a shocking concept coming out of physics we talked about the nature of space we talked about the Big Bang models and that sort of thing but now we get to the third day and uh we're going to encounter the land and the Seas and life and vegetation so we'll talk a little bit about the origin of life and uh we'll talk about thermodynamics a little bit molecular chemistry we'll introduce you if you haven't ever exposed I've been exposed to it what scientists call the anthropic principle so let's we started this session uh originally with Genesis chapter 1 verse one in the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and if you understand that verse and accept it everything else in the Bible will fall into place but you start there and the Earth was without form and void Darkness was upon the face the deep and the spirit of God brooded or moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness interesting phrase I always thought Darkness was the absence of light no we're talking about Darkness that's tangible black holes what have you there's a difference move on God called the light day and the Darkness he called night and the evening in the morning"


"were day one and so not the first day the second third and fourth fifth day are relative days day one was a there's an ordinal number it was the first of days it was day one the next day was not day two it was the second day big difference but anyway we talked about that last time God said let there be a firmament (raki'a) in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters and God made the firmament divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament"

(Ort cloud anybody?


"and it was so and he called The Firmament heaven and evening in the morning were the second day and we explored that last time"

"so here we are for this session and God said let the waters under heaven be gathered together in one place and let dry land appear and it was so and God called the dry land Earth and the Gathering Together of the waters he called a called he seas and God saw that it was good and God said"

"let the Earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seed"

(:-), sorry had to lol.)

"and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind whose seed is in itself upon the Earth and it was so and the Earth brought forth grass and her being sealed after his kind and the tree yielding fruit whose seed was in itself after his kind and God saw that it was good and the evening and the morning were the third day so that's our task before us we have the land the Seas and vegetation or life itself beginning here exciting stuff we need to talk briefly we have in the past we'll touch on it as we go through there are two basic laws in the universe that we need to understand because they certainly help us one is they're both the laws of thermodynamics there's actually three but we'll just deal with two of them the first law we call the excuse me the conservation of matter and energy matter and energy can be exchanged one with another that's what the E equals MC squared thing of Einstein is tells you how much energy you get for how much mass but"


"the point is matter and energy cannot be created nor destroyed in all the operations we see matter and energy cannot be come from nowhere it has come from somewhere and uh it can't but it can't be created or destroyed another way uh putting that is uh you you can't win so it's in the scripture too I won't go through all that here it'll be in your notes second law of it and that's probably the for you and I probably the more important one the entropy law all processes involve a loss in thermodynamic terms there's always heat flows from hot from the from the hotter body to the colder body but in doing so some of it is lost to the ambient and when the ambient is All Uniform no more work can be done it's as if the whole universe has been wound up like a clock that's winding down and uh so"


"we call the ambient entropy and thermodynamic terms in an information sense it's Randomness it's interesting that the laws of entropy apply not just to thermodynamics but they apply throughout all Fields if all fields of science except one there's only one field of science in which the scientists close their eyes and pretend that the entropy laws aren't there that's the field of biology and uh well they they they don't acknowledge recognize that you can't create information information has to be added externally"

(Some have conceded that point and yet they continue to press on w their nonsense, why? Biological, physical and chemical processes by themselves are not  capable of creating life. Very popular scientist on social media platforms all know this yet they never say a word about it. Why? This is 21 years ago for goodness sakes and nothing has changed. This is why I say they have their own faith-based belief system. This was six years before Stephen C Meyer wrote signature in the cell BTW..)

"...and we'll talk a little bit about that as we go here but uh conservation of matter and energy is in the scripture Genesis 2 verses 2 and 3. on the seventh day God ended his work it's from that point on that most scientists that understand the scripture believe the laws were frozen they're firm from that point on nothing is up till then God is creating but from that point on he makes things shapes things but everything that was needed is in place Hebrews 4:3- 4 says the works were finished from the foundation of the world his Works were finished at that point in the physical sense all things that are therein you preserve them all God keeps them that way the bondage of the second law" 


"Paul refers to in Romans 8 as the bondage of decay and you notice the scripture in Psalm 103 says they should they Shall Perish and grow old as a garment meaning the heavens the Earth shall grow old like a garment Isaiah 51 6. Heaven and Earth shall pass away"

 "these things that we think of as as Eternal physically are not they'll pass away they have it they have an end point maybe billions of years whatever but it's there is an endpoint but I have an example that I thought I would share with you um I brought with me a a experiment that will perform here this is a jar of peanut butter I stopped by the market on the way here and I thought it would be instructive because what we have here is a an open thermodynamic system there's some material inside that you can see because it's through the through the glass and energy can enter and leave this container in fact light can too that's incidental to our purpose now if we understand the teachings of modern quote unquote biology, life can be can be created from matter plus energy well we have here some matter in fact I've got a handicap because the matter in here happens to be organic matter it's not inert it's organic okay also we we've added energy to this now what I want to do if I believe what they teach us in school not very often maybe but occasionally if I have matter plus energy there may be a new life inside so when I get home from the market of course I take off the top and it's sealed it's sealed to keep information out I'll explain that in a minute and if I open this up very carefully there's no new life inside aren't you glad yeah exactly now you say Chuck what are you getting at obviously you're relieved when you take the top off and there's no new life inside the only way there would be new life inside is if a Spore or a contaminant got in there it takes some information to be added to it and now every I used to use baby food but the women got upset with me when I did it um an empirical test"


"they would teach us that life is when you have matter plus energy that equation in your children's textbooks is incorrect that's not true you see that's not a correct equation life comes when you have matter plus energy plus a third aspect called information..."

(Did ya hear that 

Richard Dawkins?


Brian Cox?

"My guess is that the average number of civilisations in a typical galaxy is low - perhaps less than 1. That’s a guess, based on what we know about the evolution of complex life on Earth. 

(Yo dude?
Get a clue.
Information doesn't "evolve".)

Put simply, it took the best part of 4 billion years here to go from cell to civilisation..."

(Cells come from cells. Remember he said that, because its pretty obvious from what he likes to say he doesnt know much about it. Its all we have ever observed. (Cells from cells) How did the information get in the first cell Brian? These people are either stupid, or willfully leading you astray or both.


Neil DeGrasse Tyson?

"These stars- the high mass ones among them- went unstable in their later years- they collapsed and then exploded- scattering their enriched guts across the galaxy- guts made of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and all the fundamental ingredients of life itself."

You can have all the "carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and all the fundamental ingredients of life itself."






See above: These people are either stupid, or willfully leading you astray or both.
















Leaving things out intentionally is not the providence of an "agnostic"

(Which he claims to be)

It's agenda pushing by an ideologue.


These types have to stay true to the dogma of their faith-based belief system or they will get kicked out of the club so to speak, so they do so (stay true to their dogma) even in the face of overwhelming physical evidence to the contrary for decades now.


"...it can be in the form of a germ it can be in the form of a Spore it can be in form of some additional external contaminant that might cause something that then could multiply and what have you all cells in the entire universe come from a previous cell"

(Life comes from life.

Intelligence comes from intelligence.

Consciousness comes from things 

that already have it.

Genesis 1:27

So God created mankind in his own image,

    in the image of God he created them;

    male and female he created them.

Moral, spiritual and intellectually 

similar in nature.

Not the same, similar. 

God alone is the source from wince our we get our:

Moral, Spiritual and Intellectual nature.

Not a fuckin rock, 

or any other physical entity that doesn't have those qualities.





"nowhere do we see any of them (cells) made they derive by being split and a very very profound thing there's something about life that is not in any of the chemical equations"

(Or biological, or physical.)

"and that's what's beginning to be introduced here in uh this session, The food industry that you and I depend on conducts over a billion experiments each year they've been doing that for over a hundred years and they rely on the fact that evolution is not just unlikely it's impossible it's impossible if they take care to make sure that no information gets in the container so the theory of evolution is not only illogical it's disprovable every time you go to the store every time you buy a product and every time you're relieved to discover it's not got new life inside you're relieved you're grateful so I want you to remember that next time you go to the store okay if we make an entropy profile of the universe I've got I've got Randomness entropy maximum entry at the bottom of this chart minimum going top and the and um or putting entropy being like chaos and minimum entry is order and obviously in day when and erev and boker came to mean later evening and morning for some reasons we explained in the earlier sessions it erev was really where you begin to you you you have disorder you can't lack of perception and that that's what happens in evening is the Shadows extend you can't see this clearly boker means orderly it's discernible and that later became a meaning morning so that's why we have this peculiar description evening and morning where the first day it later met evening and morning but we have ever and boker being steps from going from from disorder towards a step towards order if you will and that was day one and then erev and boker made day two and now we're in erev Booker in day three Now it's interesting we're in we're gonna we're counting the Seas and the water it's kind of interesting if you go through the history of hydrology and I won't go into detail here but obviously the 1500s Galileo was famous for his telescope he also was one of the first to make a crude thermometer and torricelli is his secretary made a barometer we talked about that last time and that's where it began to sense such things as atmospheric pressure and altitude studies instead Robert Boyle in 1660 uh developed what we call now Boyle's Law he developed the relationship between volume and pressure of a gas a few years later Robert Hook developed an anomometer which could measure wind um and 1700 uh uh Pierre Perrault and Edme Marriotte  perceived and described the water cycle on the earth I want you to notice that year it was 1700."

"1714 Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit measured the boiling and freezing points of water it's where we get the temperature our temperatures together Fahrenheit scale comes from that and 1802 John Batista Lamarck started classifying clouds in 1806 Beaufort developed the wind scale and so about 1812 Tchaikovsky's Overture of 1812 time 2 period if I can use that it was the first weather map so that's a rough flavor of hydrology it's interesting though 1700 they began to realize that there is a water cycle well"


"Solomon tells you all that in the text in

 Ecclesiastes 1:6,7 

he asked a very interesting question the wind goeth toward the South and turneth about unto the north it worth about continually and the wind returneth again unto its circuits so the wind follows circuits that's an interesting Insight Solomon but then he has all the rivers run into the sea yet the sea is not full well that's interesting if you think about that all the rivers going to the sea but the sea doesn't get full why because unto the place wince the rivers come thither they return again and he elaborates that the Book of Job talks about this to Job 36: 27, 28..."

"...he maketh small the drops of water they pour down rain according to the vapor thereof which clouds do drop and distill upon man abundantly put those together you have the water cycle it took them to 1700 to codify but uh it's astonishing to discover how the Bible incidental to its purpose anticipates scientific discoveries the water cycle we've just gone through the jet stream as described in Ecclesiastes 1:6-7, the whole concept of evaporation we've just talked about it also talked about Amos 9:6 the source of river water fresh water Springs in the sea job talks about in Job 38. do you know that there's fresh water Springs in the ocean many people don't know that"


but one that fascinates me is in Psalm 8 and in Isaiah 43 it speaks of Pathways in the sea now most of us read those passages and treat them as poetry and don't stumble over them but there's a guy that was fascinated by that there's a guy by the name Matthew Fontaine Maury and he was fascinated with this phrase that there's paths in the seas in both Psalm 8 and Isaiah 43. so he was born in 1806 in Virginia and in 1825 he resolved to chase this down and the way he did it was he joined the Navy as a midshipman and uh in 1842 he was put in charge of the depot of charts and instruments and he started organizing The Collection information of all the ships that were sailing and he collected this data and then he published maps in 1848 of all the main wind fields of the Earth and he is recognized around the world as the father of oceanography and when you march at the Naval Academy from Bancroft Hall which is dormitories down stribling walk to the academic group The Center building of the academic group is you know Maury Hall and uh Matthew montane Murray so is that Naval Academy I had to work that in but it's interesting because he was a Bible reading guy found something in the Bible puzzled him and it altered his life that became his career 

(Resonates...lil bit...yup...)

"and he founded the the area of oceanography there are many stories like this"


"it's interesting that there is a science quiz and I'm not going to give it to you God is if you read the book of Job you know that Job goes through a real ordeal and the real ordeal wasn't just the loss of his wealth and the loss of his family and the loss of his health the real ordeal was the friends he dragged along"

(Resonates too...lil bit...yup.)

"...if you've got friends like that you don't need enemies and most of the Book of Job is this dialogue as these guys talk about why is Job sitting on this ash Heap so forlorn well finally near the end of the book the last four chapters the book are the fun part of the book 

(Some of my favorite passages of scripture BTW. 

Feeling bad about what you are going through? 

Read those four chapters, 


is the gist of it basically.)

"...because God finally says enough's enough and he steps in and he starts asking them questions and there are 77 questions now the final four chapters The Book of Job and he science is mandate by the way in the scripture comes from Genesis 1 verse 28. where Adam is told to subdue the Earth and science is supposed to pursue and find truth and it used to"

(Science is supposed to be based on observation.

Not based on explaining away what you see

that you don't like.


Is the inflationary Universe a scientific theory? Not anymore).

"there used to be scientists that were God-fearing Bible literate people modern scientists are totally illiterate of the Bible, 

(Him and tons of others just like him)

have no grasp of what it's about 

and furthermore committed not to truth but to developing an explanation that denies God

Thats it, that is their entire mo.

(They sought to prove God doesn't exist

and instead infinite wisdom proved

not only that he does exist, 

but that 

he HAS to exist.

Kinda how infinite wisdom works.)

They just can not do it any more 

and thats why they are backtracking to

its why you have fanciful conjectures like the multiverse 

or the already disproven steady state model.

to try an explain away all the design we so readily experience.)

"...asked me totally mechanistic and if you tried to do more than that you get fired the Landscapes littered with careers that have cracked up on that one"

(Stray from the dogma in their faith and you get kicked out of the club.)

"...it should have been so it should have been the great testimony to the majesty and the glory of God instead it's become a device 

for ignoring and rejecting him 

and praying on the uninformed 




"...and so as we go through these questions many of them people can't even answer today and uh it's really a shame that the founding fathers of science guys like Newton Boyle Pascal all these guys were God fearing"


"but the modern ones are are the humanists and 

Christians by their indifference 

have allowed them 

to to take over 

they've acquiesced 

to the satanic takeover of 

our primary 


in our culture :

Alan Guth

Mr. inflationary cosmology

Brian Cox

Mr. the universe doesn't have a beginning.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

(Dont even get me started with him.
Judging by what he says?
Apparently he thinks he is a biologist 
and a theologian.

Mr panspermia himself:

"It could be that at 

some earlier time

in the Universe, 

a civilization evolved by, 


some kind of Darwinian means,"
(How did the information get in the cell 
and who created it?)

"to a very, very high level of technology,"

(AI didn't wipe em out?

"and designed a form of life 

that they seeded onto, 


this planet."

(No that is not a possibility, 

These people think they are GOD. 
They think  if they think it or say it? 
Then it has to be true. 
And no its not
a possibility,
it doesn't account for information.
And this guy is a world renown 
Evolutionary Biologist?)

"and an intriguing possibility."
(Not at all.)

"And I suppose it’s possible 

that you might find evidence for that, 

if you look at the details 

of our chemistry, 

molecular biology,"

Those don't create information
and you know it.)

"you might find 

a signature of some kind of designer

And that designer 

could well be 

a higher intelligence"

(Well no shit, thx)

"from elsewhere in the Universe" 

(Stein and Miller, 2008).

(He exist outside of it BTW,
had to in order to create it.
Ever been in a building 
that aint been built yet?
If the building is the Universe then who built it?
Something outside of it.
Hes not affected by his creation
or he isnt God.)

And yes he actually said that 
and he gets rock star status in some circles?


Lawrence Krauss

Stephen Hawking

"The new book On the Origin of Time reveals that the great late Stephen Hawking believed that the reductionistic paradigm he defended for much of his life is incorrect. Ultimately, Hawking felt that the mainstream narrative failed to explain “How the Universe could have created conditions so perfectly hospitable to life.” 

(Because your faith-based belief systems 
DOGMA is incorrect yo.)

Mr Laser Highway for souls of aliens dude.

Not a one of any of them 

has any inkling of an idea 

of where the genetic code 


 in the DNA molecule came from. 

Or why the universe is so 

perfectly designed for life.




Here is their faith based belief system's 

DOGMA in a nutshell:


They are every last one 

gonna come to the same realization 

as Hawking did.

Now lets compare them all

to the pharaoh's sorcerers:

2 Timothy 3:8

Just as Jannes and Jambres 

opposed Moses, 

so these men also oppose the truth, 

men corrupted in mind 

and disqualified 

regarding the faith.


"Primary priesthood 

in our culture"

Are no different from the  

sorcerers in pharaohs court.

Same exact thing.

They are just making up stuff and telling people what they want to believe, (There is no God, just explain away all the design we see in the universe by purposing an un-disprovable conjecture (Multiverse) and already disproven theories (Steady State) etc. 

And all of that? 

Done in the  face of 


to the contrary.

(Genetic Code in DNA.)

"...but let's take a look at some of the things that God asked you just look through Job 38 quickly"

the Lord answered job out of the Whirlwind interesting place to call from he says who is this the darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge Gird up now thy loins like a man for I will demand of thee and answer thou me I like that stand up and be counted stand up like a man"

(Real men admit when they are wrong.

The ones pictured above?

They are not capable of doing that 

or they would have done so already.

Science is about explaining what we can observe.

Not rationalizing away what we don't wanna face,

(Inflation models)

and thats exactly what they are trying to do

and that is why they will all meet up 

with the same fate as Hawking did.


Queue Brother Brian:


"and uh where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth declare if thou Hast understanding see all these conjectures Big Bang whatever are futile because he God was the only guy there let's listen to what he says and uh the big Bang's a little bizarre anyway you know first there was nothing and then it exploded that's their explanation of it all but anyway the uh" 

(It wasn't nothing lol. Everything that is now, was compressed in a hot dense state, how that happened is the real mystery and we know there is only one answer.)


"according to the Book of Genesis some 35 times

 in just the first chapter of Genesis and also in

 these four chapters of Job. God created

 each thing with its own specific attributes and the

 powers of reproducing after its own kind and they're digitally defined one reason we have these definitions We Now understand is that they're defined by digital codes in the molecules not analog digital codes and each one has its own object and purpose and god holds us accountable not to know the particle physics but to understand that he did it and it's a testimony to him he goes on all right"

"who laid the measures thereof if thou knowest who hath stretched the line upon it whereupon the foundations they're ever fastened who laid the Cornerstone thereof When The Morning Stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for Joy the Angels were there and shouted for Joy at the creation so they were created but earlier interesting and uh the thank you so and uh we're gonna"

"...we're gonna turn now to the most prominent features of the planet the Seas these cover three quarters of the surface and who shut up the sea with doors when it Break Forth as if it had issued out of the womb" 

(People dont know this,


Massive Ocean Found 700 Kilometres Beneath Earth’s Surface Changes What We Know About the Origins of Water!

"Imagine an ocean vaster than all the water on Earth's surface combined hidden 700 kilometres beneath our feet. This is the mind-boggling discovery scientists at Northwestern University have unveiled, shaking our understanding of where Earth's water comes from.

I wonder why we didn't hear about it?

Who is the ruler of this world again?


And hey Ethan?

Buddha got that?




I pray you come to your senses,

I really do,

The evidence is simply 

overwhelming at this point

it really is.)

"and when I made the cloud the Garment thereof and the thick Darkness the swaddling band for it and break up for it in my decreed place and set bars and doors and said hitherto shalt Thou come but no further and here shall Thy Thy proud waves be stayed in other words God set the boundaries he shut it up and firmed it up he's going to do some things about that when we get to chapter six seven and eight uh with a flood of Noah we'll come to all that there at that time but God continues"

"hast thou commanded the morning since thy days or cause the Dayspring to know his place that it might take hold of the ends of the Earth and that the wicked might be shaken out of it it has turned as clay to the sea land they stand as a garment and from the wicked their light is withholden the high arm shall be broken it's interesting in verse 12 there" 


"the precession of the Earth causes the sun to shine in a different place each morning according to the seasons and if it was any different we wouldn't have life on this Earth

I'll come to that in a little bit God continues"

" has thou entered into the Springs of the sea has thou walked in the search of the depth have the gates of death been opened unto thee hast thou seen the doors of the shadow of death has thou perceived the breath of the earth declare thou know us all where is the way where light dwelleth and as for Darkness where is the place thereof it's a the Springs of the Sea by the way back there imply the language imply implies fresh water and many people don't realize there's fresh water in the oceans there's no way that someone in Palestine would know that their own exposure is the Mediterranean that doesn't really they wouldn't have exposure to that kind of actual uh empiricism unless they traveled a lot further and of course death is still a mystery to us science has not made a debt there a dent in understanding death and according to scriptures they never will and uh and so do you have you to perceive the breath here this is the one we have some answers to thanks to satellite so we can measure the Earth today it's a little that's that's one we've got cornered probably"

" that thou shouldesttake it to the bound thereof that thou shouldest know the paths to the house there knowest thou it because thouest thou was then born or because the number of thy days is great"


"has thou entered into the Treasures of the snow what on Earth is that about we'll look at that briefly and hast thou seen the Treasures of the hail which I have reserved against the time of trouble against the day of battle and War boy um now verse 23 may be a reference to the eschatological use of hail as we see we saw it in Joshua chapter 10 the long day of Joshua and uh all through a lot of passages speak of the end times speak of the hailstones it's kind of interesting to realize how God works what was the punishment for blasphemy "Stoning" what happens to the Earth because of its blasphemy? 97 pound hailstones on the earth in the Book of Revelation so that so God is consistent in his his the idioms that he uses but this there's some physics yet to be discovered I think in the Treasures of the snow we'll look at that a little bit God continues here"

"by what way is the light parted which scatterth the East Wind upon the Earth 

how is light refracted 

("As light passes through a prism, it is bent, or refracted, by the angles and plane faces of the prism and each wavelength of light is refracted by a slightly different amount. Violet has the highest frequency and is refracted the most. Red has the lowest frequency and is refracted the least.")

"there's a whole issue here why are the stars red shifted is another way of asking the same question and uh so who hath divided a water course for the overflowing of waters are away for the lightning of Thunder or cause it to rain upon the Earth where no man is on the Wilderness where they're in there there is no man"

"to satisfy the desolate and waste ground and to cause the bud of the tender herb 

(You know me lol.)

to Spring forth half the rain a father or who hath begotten the drops of Dew out of whose womb came the ice and the holy Frost of Heaven who hath who has gendered it"


"the waters are HID as with a stone and the face of the deep is Frozen you know there's a lot of interesting questions hidden in all of these things why is there Beauty in the desert why is it and why is there Beauty in the depths of the sea we go down with cameras so so deep in the ocean that it's black it's dark we turn the lights on and it's colorful no one can see it there's no light there to please God why are flowers beautiful they're not functional bees are colorblind think about that and uh now ice is going to disobey some physical laws in a very peculiar way and we'll explore that here in a little bit then he goes on"

"he says can that he's a challenging in Job canst thou bind the sweet influences of the Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion now most of you that have a little astronomy background know if you look at the night sky there's a group of seven well actually it's more about this conspicuous Stars called the Pleiades the Seven Sisters right how many knew that okay there's also a constellation Orion we sometimes call them the Irishman you're just kidding how many how many know about the constellation of Orion you've helped me with it I think most of you realize that those apparent pictures in the sky are just apparent pictures because the stars that make them up some can be very close and some can be millions and millions of miles away they just happen to look like a group they're not really a group do you follow me you understand what I'm saying"


"there are two constellations in the sky that are gravitationally linked the seven the the constellation of Pleiades those Seven Stars have a gravitational involvement with each other and the constellation of Orion is the other constellation that is gravitationally close enough that they're a great they are a group they are the only two constellations in the night sky that are gravity you know gravitationally linked now there are not many astronomers that know that friend of mine explained it to me but it startled me because how did job know or the writer of this know where God challenges can thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades or the loose the bands can you loose the bands of Orion no they're gravitationaly linked the others aren't whoever composed this had an insight into astronomy that's beyond the knowledge of most astronomers today who wouldn't who are not aware of that but the next one is also against thou bring forth the mazzaroth that's the Hebrew term for what we would call the zodiac can you bring forth the Zodiac in a season or guide Arcturus with his sons we'll talk about this next time because that's when we're going to get into all this stuff at the next day notice thou the ordinance of Heaven gets thou set the Dominion thereof in the Earth"

"cast I lift up thy voice to the clouds that the abundance of waters May cover thee hence thou send lightnings that where they may go and say here we are who hath put wisdom in the inward parts or who have given understand your heart this whole issue of lightning falls in the falls under the story of Chaos Theory and why Lightning goes a certain way is is one of the most advanced theories of mathematics and here interesting it's it's echoed here.  Who can number the clouds in his wisdom who can stay the bottles of heaven when the dust growth into hardness and the clouds clear fast together will thou hunt the prey for the lion he goes on now and he'll talk about for the rest of this chapter and the next one about his care of the animals and he goes through a lot of that and he finally talks about dinosaurs in in at the end of it."

"the allusions that we have seen in this include as I mentioned the rotation of the earth is in there verses 12-15 the springs and Pathways of the sea the breadth of the Earth the travel of light the dividing of light the source of rain and Ice the universal nature of the physical laws and electrical Communications all of these are in those verses we've just come skimmed through now hydrological cycle we talked about that the evaporation circulation precipitation that's in Job 28. how do the clouds stay aloft Job asked air the air and wind have weight see water weighs more than air so how can it be supported and then we have the space-time Master University stretches out the north over empty space he hangs the Earth on nothing he says in job 26 the morning stars sing at the foundation of the Earth" 


"all there's a lot about the all there's a lot about the creation tucked away in the Poetry of the scripture too but I want to focus now on the water molecule we talked about that before but I want to ask you the question why does ice float it shouldn't everything we know almost everything we know when it gets colder it contracts when it when it gets warm it expands that's why Bridges you know have the little slot because when the bridge gets big they have to have room to do you know you've seen that  so we talked last about the model of the atom we have a hydrogen you know an atom that has a nucleus an electron going around it this is obviously not the scale why because the atom is about 10 to the minus eight centimeters the nucleus is 10 to the minus 13th in other words the difference between the nucleus and the radius of that thing is 100,000 units so you see if you have a if you make the nucleus the size of a pinhead the the electron is spinning about a football field away you understand what I'm saying if you take the atom in in cubical terms 10 to the fifth ten to the fifth power in three dimensions 10 to the fifth times 10 to the fifth times 10 to the fifth is 10 to the 15th" 


so if I say is this is this is this Podium solid I'm lying to you it's electrical it feels like a solid it's electrical simulation there's more empty space than there's matter here by a factor of 10 to the 15 the ratio of matter to space in this Podium is about the same as one second is to 16 billion years so you and I are living in an electrical simulation strangely enough.

"but H2O I think most of us recognizes two hydrogen atoms that were that have combined with oxygen we're familiar with that carbon atom is a little more complicated got double rings and so forth and it the the it forms the basic molecule of biological things we talked last time about plasma and how these are the four states of matter remember plasma gas liquid solid so forth as as the entropy gets pulled out of it at first plasma is first we just have these we just have these atoms and ions and we have the electrons floating around as we pull energy out of that and put order in it gets to be a gas where these things start to become H2O H2O molecules but they're still fluid in in a gaseous form as we pull energy out of that it becomes a liquid and there it gets more definitive and when they finally bring enough energy out it bonds itself into a crystal becoming a solid so we've gone from plasma to gas to liquid to solid four states of matter many people are only familiar with three the plasma occupied us in the previous session okay well if that's the case I want to go on a little further now  if we do a thermal profile of water as we talked last time the plasma cools down it becomes Steam and the steam finally cools down where it gets water and the water cools down becomes ice"



"I want to zero in on this peculiar place where water becomes ice because something the atom has been designed to make an exception to the rules of physics or physical physical chemistry um if we look at the volume and the temperature as water cools down it gets as cold to four degrees before it goes anything else happens it then expands drastically when it gets to zero degrees Centigrade before starting to contract again because it expands its volume is larger per pound than it was before which means ice floats the molecule of of the the water molecule has a peculiar structure such to cause that to happen you've got a very peculiar angular relationship built that molecule so that when it freezes it causes it to occupy a larger space in order to take take these the crystalline structure it has and so that's why now what you say that's why as it as it gets its crystalline structure you have all these different you've all seen these snowflakes they say they say that no two snowflakes are alike I don't know how they can say that because they have to look at them all to be sure of that but anyway but we've all seen pictures of this they all built around the basic it's all replications if you will of this basic molecular unit"


"the point that I'm getting at though is if ice did not do that life would be impossible on the planet Earth because Rivers would freeze from the bottom up fish would not you know...on and onyou would not have life it turns out if you follow that through you would not have life God has amended the mechanics of that particular molecule to make life possible on the Earth and that that's going to show up in some very strange way we talked about the death of Darwinism already the advances of microbiology you know we talked about the digital code"

"Darwin cannot explain the origin of life because he cannot explain the origin of information the issue is not when did Life Begin the question is where did the information come from information doesn't come from Randomness that they're opposites to each other 




'and so there's a concept of irreducible complexity that Michael Behe has introduced that we want to understand I have here a mouse trap takes consists of five parts a basic platform on which there's a a spring that loads a hammer there's a holding bar that will hold that hammer back and hook itself on the on the catch and you have a mouse trap, it has five parts you can't get rid of any one of the parts and still have a mousetrap it's what we call irreducible complexity it's very simple you say but it it has a minimum number of components without which it will not function if I have only four of the five parts I don't catch four-fifths as many mice I catch zero you follow me there's a very profound fundamental Insight here it's that because that's true this couldn't happen by chance because it's non-functional at all its intermediate stages it's until someone puts it together that way that has any function at all there's a concept irreducible"

(Well thats pseudoscience the:

"Primary priesthood 

in our culture"

will tell you.


WTF is the Multiverse then?


We all won the universe lottery.

Yea us!

What a crock of shit.)

"let me give you an example of nature you take a bacteria that has a little tail that drives it through the fluid we want to take an examine at this particular bacteria the flagellum is this tail 

and we're going to examine carefully where it's connected to the bacteria through an electron microscope we examine that carefully we discover something astonishing what connects it there is an electric motor with 40 parts any one of those 40 parts missing it doesn't work 

(How did that 



And what did you expect 

the strict adherents to the dogma

of the religion 

(faith-based belief system)

of scientism to say? 

Other than:

"Thats pseudoscience"


"and it's it's got It's got c-rings and L rings and P rings and I won't go through the whole thing you get the quickly get the Glimpse that this is a complicated piece of engineering and here's the the functional description of it how it operates from the you know it's an electric motor most of us you know okay so"


"so we have a map of physical reality we're going to pursue during this study the human body is where we're going to end up there's organs the organs made up of tissues tissues are made up of cells cells are basically made up of molecular robots the robots are built from an atomic structure the atomic structure from subatomic particles and the subatomic particles have no locality you cut them in half they no longer are local they're everywhere in the universe"

 "very bizarre discovery about non-locality of these we talked about the last three things last time this time we're going to talk briefly about cells and these molecular robots just briefly we will talk about tissues and organs in the human body when we get to day six we're only in day three but I want to lay some of this groundwork when you one of the fictions that they use in school is the thing called a simple cell we now know there is no such thing as a simple cell that's a fiction 

(This is 21 years old.

Why are people still believing 

in a belief system that has been proven false?

2 Corinthians 4:4

 In whom the god of this world


hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, 

lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, 

who is the image of God, should shine unto them.)

"that Darwin uh in good in good conscience probably adopted because he didn't know better but today we know that's a that's a naive statement Michael Denton in 1986 the Australian evolutionist published a key book on this he said:

"although the tiniest bacterial cells are incredibly small each is in effect a veritable micro miniaturized Factory containing thousands of exquisitely designed pieces of the intricate molecular Machinery made up of 100 billion atoms far more complicated than any machine built by man and absolutely without parallel in the non-living world"

"the simple cell its unparalleled complexity and it has:

 an Adaptive design 

it has 

a central Memory Bank 

Central Library where the information is held 

it's filled with 

assembly plants 

and processing units 

it has repacking 

and shipping centers 

it has Robot machines 

in the form of protein molecules 

that typically consists of about three thousand atoms 

in three-dimensional configurations 

and there are hundreds of thousands of different types specific types of these things 

it also has 

an elaborate communication system 

with quality control procedures 

and repair mechanisms 

(How did the single cell know 

it was going to need that ahead of time huh?)

"it even can muster armies to attack Invaders"

"so if you were going to make a model of the simplest cell and we're going to make this model 1000 million times larger than real each atom we're going to say would be about the size of a tennis ball we're going to make this big model we're going to take each out will be represented by tennis ball we'll need 100 million million atoms 10 to the 13th if we could pull together one per minute it would take us 19 million years to assemble those tennis balls the model in doing this would be over 10 miles in diameter so you get the feeling what we're up against..."

"The actual cell has a plasma membrane 

which has gateways for for exchanges 

it has signal receptors 

so it can get message traffic 

there's a cytoplasm 

which is a fancy word for when we don't know what it's made of 

we have a nucleus 

which is the information center 

and that's where the master library is 

that everybody else will consult inside

 there's the nucleus which is the automated factories 

and that's where they do the product Manufacturing 

then you've got these power plants 

which provide the energy for the city to work it's like a miniature City 

and then you have the Golgi apparatus 

which processes packages handles the shipping and prepares for export 

and then you have all these little vesicules which storage transport 

do trash disposal they all have functions 

this is a veritable City"

"now we have robot machines hundreds of thousands of different types 

artificial languages 

and decoding systems 

we have memory banks for information storage 

we have Elegant control systems for regulating the automated assembly of the components 

we have prefab and modular construction going on 

and we have error Fail-Safe and proofreading devices for quality control 

we have devices go around and check to make sure it's right if it's not at the rejects it "


"Put simply, it took the best part of 4 billion years here to go from cell to civilisation..."






Just like Missler said

they are preying on your being uninformed.

"The more you know about your world

from the smallest subatomic particles

to the large scale structures of the universe?

The more you will become convinced

that there not only could there be a God

but that there has to be one."

Yours truly, and Im gonna educate and yell and scream it at the top of my lungs to as many as we can reach for as long as we can do so.


"Now let me give you an example I was at Ford Motor Company I was an executive Ford for uh six years and one of the proud facilities of the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn is the River Rouge Plant it's very famous for lots of reasons it happens to be the largest integrated manufacturing plant in the world you have raw Limestone iron ore and coal go in one end in the plant they make their own steel they make their own paint their own glass they have automated plan part of the plant that makes the engines yes anyway the raw material goes in one end and new cars dried out the other end and uh it uh and it builds these you know it's also interesting to watch because they're building a mix you'll have different kinds of cars and different colors on the same line it's all been over it's incredibly uh very complicated plan I think it's 97 miles of railroad in the plant huge facility it's worth the tour if you're there in fact it's broken down by two or three tours you always want to see the assembly plant you have a choice of either seeing the automated engine plant or the steel mill the engine plant always takes it but but there's nothing to see there's nobody there it's an automated engine um but the reason I mentioned this once you've seen that I can make the statement that the simplest cell is more complicated than the River Rouge plan at the Ford Motor Company and that sort of gets it across if you have any feeling for that sort of thing the cell is unequaled in any Factory on the planet Earth it's capable after having said all that it's capable of replicating its entire structure in a matter of a few hours when the time comes there's a there's a choreography that takes place where it will duplicate itself in a matter of hours there's no way if you had a million employees you could do that to the Rouge plan you know and all cells derive from other cells that's very important"


"now let me just take one thing about D we're going to talk about DNA enough when we get to J but I have to throw I just have to deal with this because I know we have to where this is Idaho you have some fishermen out there how many any fishermen out here I want you to take this challenge I want you to imagine that you had two strands of monofilament fishing lines a hundred and twenty five miles long and you're going to roll all this up and store it inside of a basketball okay but here's the rub you want to set this up so you can unzip it copy it and restore it on spools at three times the speed of an airplane propeller without tangling set aside all the coating and all the intellectualeaze about the DNA just let's talk about the physics of it it's it if we do this in the scale of a basketball at 125 miles a line can you imagine trying to figure out a way to scroll up all that line into that basketball knowing that every very very frequently several times a day at least they're going to want to come and copy that the information that's on This fishing line so you've got to unravel it copy it put it all back again"

(Starting to get a sense of how much these scientist have been and are lying to us? They know about the information in the DNA molecule yet they NEVER mention it. Why?



"and do this very quickly astonishing that do you know what library is read more than any other library on the in in the planet Earth you your DNA in each of your cells is read over and over every time they multiply all kinds of whenever these whenever it needs to make some manufacturing equipment it goes to the master library takes it makes it makes an RNA RNA copy it will go through all that in another session incredible stuff  but here's the other thing there's a mitosis mystery if the initial cell divides into a den you know you look through a microscope in school you see a little cell it divides into two mitosis takes place you don't have two identical ones right then the two become four four become eight they're all identical but they keep watching it and something very strange happens as it starts to get bigger and bigger the dark line starts to form and you realize that that ultimately becomes the backbone 


"and you discover these cells are doing something strange they're no longer splitting as duplicates they start change specifying some become cortical tissue some become muscular tissue some become


"they start become all these different tissues who become different organs well there's a very profound problem"


"here I want you to see if you relate to this  let's imagine everyone in this room could play every instrument in an orchestra you had that skill let's assume you had every instrument that was necessary in the area and let's assume I gave you a copy each gave you each a copy of the entire orchestration of symphony would we have a symphony why not? there's something missing isn't there all

 of you have all the information you need in that

 copy I gave you you have access to the

 instruments you need you'll discover somebody

 has to conduct somebody has to choreograph

 the thing to put another way it says you're going to be first violin you're going to be percussion you're going to be whatever whatever somebody it can maybe our prayer maybe all equal skilled somebody still say you're going to do this..."


"There has to be a conductor the fact that there's a single cell with all the information you can imagine in the cell doesn't explain life some of the experts have convinced me that God is personally involved in every cell division can you handle that because they all require an external input you see you you could have all the information you can have all the material you need you still don't have a symphony somebody has to orchestrate if you two are the first two cells in the first date somebody finally says okay you guys are going to be this and you guys someone's got to conduct it interesting  so anyway who decides a specialization in the computer Institute we call it conflict resolution logic" 


"okay let's talk about one thing and then we'll get on with here the anatomy of a leaf you can look at any good encyclopedia and find a diagram of the leaf you'll Discover it is complicated it's got special cells that guard things that allow certain things to pass through and other things not and so forth but it is this chloroplast this green thing in the middle that we're going to talk a little bit about you notice we're the perfect time of year here you know so the the the the leaves starting to turn the brilliant colors because the pigments that normally assist the plant in photosynthesis they're different they capture different wavelengths of light and the pigments are are visible then as the leaf starts to die you begin to see the pigments that you normally wouldn't see because they're matched by the chlorophyll itself which is green that's why they look green because they absorb all the other colors primarily red photosynthesis means to build with light basically your leaves on these trees are Sugar factories producing millions of new glucose molecules every second millions of molecules per second each leaf most plants produce more glucose than they use and so they they store it as starch and other carbohydrates in the roots and stems and leaves and of course that gets eaten by animals which gives them a source of food and so on each year the photosynthesizing organisms produce about 170 billion metric tons of extra carbohydrates and about that's about 30 metric tons for every person on the Earth that's what the plants are doing they use the energy of light to convert carbon dioxide and water into a symbol a simple sugar called glucose how do they do it turns out this process is in two stages there's a light dependent reaction pretty obviously and there's a light independent reaction the chloroplast traps the light energy converts it to chemical energy and contains then contained in two types of molecules and I won't try to pronounce these long names nadph we'll call a one and ATP the other one and then there's another once that process generates those two chemical sources of energy then the NT Nat pH provides the hydrogen atoms that help make up the glucose the ADP provides the energy for all this and the reactions need to synthesize the glucose light energy boost what happens the light energy boosts the electrons in the chlorophyll boost up in and out of their orbits and as it does so that acts like a row of pinballs one pass of that energy to the next and it all happens in millionths of a second the light dependent reaction I'll call photosynthesis photo system one we'll call it those pigments capture the light that is in the frequency of 700 nanometer that's roughly that's a red it's a particular frequency in the red and that's why they call that particular kind of chlorophyll p700 um it uh is uh and it's called that because it absorbs a very particular frequency in in of red and uh the electrons that are then released are get passed down one to the other until they finally create nadp a anapd um how I can do this without getting in all the detail basically um it uh the energy is going to be in a form that can then make the thing they're after because it'll pick up a hydrogen ion and make the nadph which you'll need in a minute"


"meanwhile the electrons have been depleted doing all this so it they need to be replaced so there's another photo system I'll call it photo system two that has a form of chlorophyll that's it focuses on different frequency of light 680 nanometers and as it does the same thing it passes its extra electrons to the p700 but along the way it takes the ADP that's around picks up a phosphor atom and gets the ADP this whole process generates two things these two chemicals that are needed in the next system and that's the light dependent reaction and it's a whole other system and uh if we we take the water that's there and the water will break down into ions hydrogen ions and oxygen ions the hydrogen of the water will provide the hydrogen for the one up there the nadph the oxygen is uh going to go off into the atmosphere it's extra it's and uh now we get to the light independent reaction sometimes called the dark cycle it's name called the Calvin cycle after Melvin Calvin who first discovered it but the two chemicals that were thus made get mixed with a CO2 and rudp they take six of the CO2 molecules six of the others they mix with a number of enzymes a fairly complex process but what comes out of it is glucose c6h1206 and there's five rudp left over so it returns and as long as there's CO2 this thing will continue to produce sugar CO2 and water of course water coming from the roots or even from the air and the CO2 of course from the air now and that finally leads to one of the simplest sugars the C6H12O6"


"now the point I want to get to without getting into all the technology per se I kind of want to get first of all it's a two-stage process that could not happen by chance because either one incomplete causes it not to work at all it's getting irreducible complexity concept but there's something else you would understand here the plants of course give off as a byproduct here not only the sugar but the O2 oxygen right the animals need the O2 and the sugar see all our food stuff originates here we may eat the animal but that's because he's eaten the vegetable you with me the animals give off CO2 which the plants can't survive without so we have something very interesting here you have the plants that need the CO2 that give off the oxygen you have the animals that need the oxygen to give off the CO2 you take away either one they die ultimately now you say if all the animals die to be a long time before the plant said yes but it would eventually because they won't have the O2 they'll use up I mean they won't have any of the CO2 there's no CO2 given off by this you follow me so it's interesting you can ask which came first the plants or the animals the plants did because they happen in day three the animals aren't coming till the day after tomorrow okay all right  but I want to acquaint you with something that's very fundamental and very important it's something that the unbelieving scientists call the anthropic principle it's a label what is it what do they mean by that it's at least the appearance that the Universe was designed for man now you say well that's obvious of course it was no wait a minute because the Bible says wait let's step back a minute the universe itself Bears evidence that it's been tuned specifically for you and me what do I mean by that if we try to construct a mathematical model of everything we believe that we know about the universe we discover there are hundreds of delicate ratios that if altered in the slightest make life impossible not two or three hundreds and some of these are so delicately that one part in a hundred thousand changes and it life doesn't happen"

(I just go straight up information in the DNA molecule 

if anybody ever does Anthropic principal on me. And not only that? But we aren't just "observers" we are actiev participants in that which we are observing.)

"and that's what they call the in fact uh a 10 to the minus x 10 to the minus 55 that's really small  Paul Davies who's a internationally known brilliant writer atheist scientist he even says that it seems as though somebody has fine-tuned Nature's number to make the universe the impression of design is overwhelming no kidding Dick Tracy but the point is he's not a Christian  but he is acknowledging maybe reluctantly he's acknowledging that it sure looks like the universe is anyone that denies design as being irrational that's really what an effect he's saying"


" let's talk about a few of these the reare four forces in nature gravity we know what gravity is electromagnetic force that strong there's two nuclear forces what they call a strong one in the weak one..."

"gravity of course we know what that causes an apple to fall to the ground it keeps our feet on the floor it also binds together our solar system we'll talk about that next time it keeps the earth and the planets in their orbits in other words it prevents the stars from exploding among other things and it guides the galaxies and their most that's what gravity is all about"

(Hey Ethan?

Not Seigal lol

What did your pantheon of gods do?

Have a "Gravity committee"?

Do you have an ancient text 

that supports your view?

Well what deities were on it?

How were the members decided?

Who did they report their final product to?


"the electromagnetic force that includes light radio waves and all this thing it holds the atom together it determines the orb the structure of the orbits of the electrons which of course determine molecules therefore it governs the laws of chemistry it also forms x-rays radio arrays light or all forms of electromagnetic force it can overcome the gravity on the Earth and it can dominate other forces down to the size of the nucleus of atom we get down to an atom things change"

(Hey Ethan?

Not Seigal lol

What did your pantheon of gods do?

Have a "Electromagnetic force committee"?

Do you have an ancient text 

that supports your view?

Well what deities were on it?

How were the members decided?

Who did they report their final product to?



there's a strong nuclear force that binds the protons the neutrons together in the nucleus the atom there's a balance between the strong force and the electromagnetic forces that limit a nucleus to about 100 protons you can't get any bigger ones than that just turns out it won't happen because of the balance between those two forces so the ratio of those two forces determine in effect the periodic table for us and uh the energy released is substantially greater than the electromagnetic ...if you can  release this energy it's much bigger than electromagnetic that's what we call Atomic Bomb it also caused the Stars to shine which are essential for Life interestingly enough 

(Hey Ethan?

Not Seigal lol

What did your pantheon of gods do?

Have a "Electromagnetic force committee"?

Do you have an ancient text 

that supports your view?

Well what deities were on it?

How were the members decided?

Who did they report their final product to?


(Hey Ethan?

Not Seigal lol

What did your pantheon of gods do?

Have a "Weak nuclear force committee"?

Do you have an ancient text 

that supports your view?

Well what deities were on it?

How were the members decided?

Who did they report their final product to?








(Universe creation to where the electromagnetic energy that comprises 99.9999999999999 of us goes when we die. 

Energy can not be destroyed, so its going to go somewhere.
Do you know where yours is going to go?












Early Christians were eaten alive by lions in the colosseum 


Because they had experienced it to.







Luke 21:22

For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.


Zechariah 11:1

Open thy doors, O Lebanon, that the fire may devour thy cedars.


"the weak nuclear force is the smallest it governs the atomic instability and radioactivity it causes the disintegration of the heavier nuclei it can create heat as the decay of react radioactive elements in the Earth's core and so forth or in a nuclear power plant and then you have so"


"let's start talking about some of these ratios  gravitational coupling if the gravitational coupling was Stronger Stars more massive than our sun by 1.4 times they would burn too rapidly and to in constantly to maintain life-supporting conditions on any surrounding planets if it was any weaker All Stars would have less than 0.8 times the mass of the Sun and there'd be no heavy elements in the universe" 


"electromagnetic coupling if it was weaker the molecules for life would cease to exist if it was Stronger the molecules for life would cease to exist it's at an exact point that causes these molecules to be possible somebody had to balance it"


"the strong force coupling if it was weaker multi-proto nuclei would not hold together hydrogen B is the only element in the universe it was slightly stronger nuclear particles would tend to bond together more frequently and more firmly hydrogen be rare in the universe and supply of various life essential elements heavier than iron would be insufficient"


"what about the weak Force coupling if it was larger there'd be no helium no heavy elements it was weaker they'd be all helium and over abundance of heavy elements see again it's a delicate balance"


"the ratio of electron to proton Mass this is a strange one it happens to be exactly 1 to 18 36 1836 that ratio it's any other ratio it all falls apart it was larger molecules would not form and life would be impossible if it was smaller molecules would not form and life would be impossible it's astonishing to realize how delicately all these things work together"


"let's take simple things the distance from the Sun if we were closer it'd be too warm to maintain a stable water cycle if we are further away from it's going to be too cold to have a wet water cycle that's what's wrong with some of these planets they're not the right distance from the Sun"

(Often overlooked in all the exoplanet hype is the fact that the star has to be the same type as ours,  (To big? To much radiation, To small? Not enough heat in the habitable zone.) it rarely even gets mentioned or if it does its at the bottom of the article.


Pretty obvious if you ask me.

Who rules this world again?)

"Surface gravity it was Stronger the atmosphere would have too much ammonia and methane if the service gravity was weaker the atmosphere would lose too much water it's right at that balance to make life possible "

"the thickness of the Earth's crust it was thicker there'd be too much oxygen to be transferred from the atmosphere to the crust it was thinner volcanic tectonic activity would be too great"

"earth rotation period if it was longer that that diurnal the daily temperature differences would be too great and if it was shorter the wind velocities would be too extreme" 

"Axial tilt you know we're tilted on the axis if if it was either greater or if it was less the surface temperature would be too great in either in either direction strangely enough."


"and Albedo that's the reflectivity of the earth if it was greater a runaway Ice Age would develop and if it was lessa runaway greenhouse effect it's the out the reflective of the earth is just right to maintain that range which allows life to exist "

"the Earth's magnetic field if a stronger electrical Magnetic storms would be too severe if it was weaker there'd be inadequate protection from the cosmic rays and Stellar radiation"

"and CO2 and water vapor we talked about CO2 and water vapor if there was greater levels the runaway greenhouse effect would develop and if it was less there'd be the greenhouse effect would be too too insufficient it's just the right balance"


"ozone level I love this one because the colleges keep telling us boy if there's one tenth of one percent change in the ozone layer it brings Cosmic Doom the next time someone points that out to you turn it around the other way who balanced it to the extent that it's delicate proves it couldn't be there by chance"


"if the ozone layer was greater surface temperature would be too low and if the ozone level was less that the service temperature be too high there'd be too much UV ultraviolet radiation at the surface and on it goes all these things I just given you a few there are literally hundreds of these kinds of relationships every one of them has to be balanced just right  and there's some scientists that say gee if all that's true then there's certain energy levels of certain atoms we haven't discovered yet and they looked and they were right they use this principle to actually make new discoveries that's a that's a form of validation insurance" 

(Popular "Scientist"


 know all of that 

but how much do you ever hear of them talking about it?



It doesnt fit their religious dogma of everything had to have been an accident, 

or every possible combination of everything has to be in play.


Except the uncreated creator.)


"let's talk about extraterrestrial communication there's product guys looking for out extraterrestrial life you know what fascinates me about these scientists that look what's their evidence that there is extraterrestrial life they'll get information if there's any information see there's two things they don't want they want random noise there's no information or if there's periodic information that's like a sine wave well that could be from a natural cause like a pendulum or something but what they need is something that's not random and not periodic something in between that's why prime numbers are always used as an example and so forth in the stories the communication for extraterrestrial intelligence had a had a meeting at the National Academy of Science in Russia 84 of the world's top scientists met and they discussed they were trying to determine what's the probability of life in the universe and uh they used what they call the green Bank formula if the number if you take if you take the number of civilizations they expect in Galaxy would be the product of these numbers:

 the rate of star formation 

how fast the stars form 

what fraction of those have planets 

how many of those planets have life-capable ecology 

how many of those actually have life 

then and what fraction of the life

 intelligent beings then develop out of that 

and that get to a level of communication 

and what's the mean lifetime of technological if you take that product it'd come up it turns out what it's useful the reason this form is useful it allows you to focus on the various stages that you need to look at because the kinds of people that are experts on the rate of star formation aren't the kind of people that would have these other skills "

(Its why listening to a cosmologist or a particle physicist about the origins of life is like getting a haircut from a plumber, NO THX, shut up, I'll listen to the plumber about plumbing ty very much, and the biologist know just how rare the conditions for life are:

"to solve the enigma of how 

RNA and DNA 

may conceivably 

arise in an 


(physical rather than biological; 

not derived from living organisms.)


Step 1) Ribose + cyanamide / 0.2 M sodium carbonate (pH ~10), 55° C -> RAO

Step 2) RAO + cyanoacetylene / hydrosulfide in aqueous formamide, UV light -> Intermediates A

Step 3) Intermediates A / phosphate, anhydrous formamide, heat -> alpha & beta- ribopyrimidines (pyrimidine ribonucleosides completed)

Step 4) Intermediates A + 8- mercaptoadenine / dry state in magnesium chloride, 150° C -> Intermediates B

Step 5) Intermediates B / bisulfate in phosphate (pH 7), 60° C or sulfite in phosphate (pH 8-10), heat, UV light -> Intermediates C

Step 6) Intermediates C/nitrous acid (pH 4) -> adenine and inosine products (purine ribo- and deoxyribonucleosides completed)"

(and thats just to get to how RNA

"could have"





"so they shared all these things and I'll give you the short version of this they as they analyze this they continue they don't realize it I don't think because I read the papers you can buy them they're published translated and published the they in effect are as they express their frustrations here they put the nails in the coffin of Life Happening by accident they acknowledge reluctantly the life is unique and a miracle because you go through all these estimates even making very gracious estimates you still come out with next to zero at the end it's very very pessimistic conference from the point of view extra intelligence very fascinating papers to read much of what we what we learned the progress of science is what the speculations are in each one of these sectors and so anyway for what it's worth"


"a couple last things I want to clean up on this thing the secrets of the Torah are revealed by the skipping of letters remember we looked at that in our introductory thing from Rabbi cordavero in the 16th century I want to show you we should look to some equidistant letter sequences before just let me show you one that is kind of funny you remember an equal distance letter sequence is when you have a message that contained in it is a secret message by taking every nt letter every fourth letter or whatever in this little example um we take every fourth letter and it says it's just it's just a little message that says read the code if there was here you have a message inside a message so to speak well with computers we're here in Genesis we're talking about trees in Genesis chapter 1 verse 29 we haven't got there yet but again it'll speak about these tree the seed bearing trees and when you get to Genesis chapter 2 verse 9 out of the ground the Lord God May grow every tree that is Pleasant to the sight and so forth and so on are we together  what's fascinating if you look at the Hebrew text of that Passage you find 25 trees that are mentioned in the bible encrypted in those verses in spaces of two three four five six some as high as 18. um some little larger but it's fascinating that within those texts you have these trees in the Hebrew tucked away in code in those passages that deal with that is that significant people argue some say no it's just an accident other people say wow this is wild and they go from here to all kinds of crazy conjectures I'm going to go there but I did want to call that to your attention that  it does appear that there's Far More Design in the text itself than we have any in below the first meaning of the text"  

("When all is restored, even the empty spaces will have meaning." Cant remember exactly, Gerald Schroeder maybe talking about what the old school Jewish Mystics said.)

"and something else I want to share with you and then we'll wrap it up on the third day in in John chapter two we all know the wedding at Kana how many knew about wedding at Kana okay chapter two opens on the third day there was a marriage in Kana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there and both Jesus was called and his disciples to the marriage and you all know the story how they had no wine and Jesus turned the water into wine you won't really understand the story until you understand what water he used he wasn't plain water it was the water purification and the only people who knew it was a miracle was his insiders there's a lot to that more but all I want to get here is one thing what's this third day business we all read that Genesis and and the third day was a marriage Third Day from what there's no preceding condition here John 1 was before there was introductory chapter and the third day there was a marriage what on Earth is up you know that most Christians don't know what that is so you're going to be an exception you're going to know because we just this third day issue we've just been studying Genesis chapter 1 the third day of creation now before we got to the third day we had these other days here right you'll notice in the beginning God created they have the Earth the Earth was out for him and so forth God said there was light and in then it says and God saw the light that it was good and God tied the light from Darkness so in the first day what God did he saw it was good did you notice that on Sunday the next day second day he did the ferment in the waters and this and that where does he say it was good? See Monday is very unique because he doesn't declare the work of Monday good every other day other than this one he did this and that and the other thing and saw that it was good right. We said we can put our tongue in her cheek and see he he had a bad Monday so you feel unique when Monday's a tough day right" 


"when you get to Tuesday which is the third day

He blesses it twice let the Waters of the heaven be gathered together and so forth and and let thedry land Earth Gathering the water policies and God saw that it was good notice that they brought forth the grass the air building sealed and so forth and it was so and you get down there to verse 12 and God saw that it was good so Tuesday the rabbis call the day of double blessing he blessed Sunday he didn't bless what happened on Monday he blessed Tuesdays twice  Wednesday Thursday and Friday will have Their Blessings okay so Tuesday is the day of double blessing in in the Jewish vernacular and for that reason Jewish weddings are always on Tuesdays do you know that isn't that neat yeah so that and of course some prophecy extremists say that obviously the Rapture also will be on a Tuesday now what's the logic no logic it's just a conjecture um but so the Tuesday is the day of double blessing and uh so uh you're probably wondering why do we have our Bible studies on Tuesday for lots of other reasons too but let's see it was good it was good but uh it's the day of double blessing and so I hope I hope Tuesday will be for you a day of double blessing"

"Just to see where we're going we've had the interaction Torah we took day one the second day the Big Bang models and the quantum physics stuff today we talked about the origin of Life molecular chemistry in a modest way next time we're going to talk about the nebular hypothesis where did the planets come from and everything you've been taught is wrong..."

(Looking forward to it already :-).

"even from a scientific point of view they did not come out of the sun they couldn't possibly have I'll explain why and we'll talk about the signs in the heavens you know the stars are positioned there to carry a message 

(September 23rd 2017


"the heavens declare the glory of God oh really how by you tell us yes but there's another way that'll surprise you we're also going to discover what God calls the appointed times"


"they often say a Jew's catechism is his calendar and we're going to see how the calendar ties to the fourth day and then of course we'll go to fish and foul and we'll talk about we'll really nail the fallacy of evolution and life foolishness and we'll talk about animals and man in day six uh and uh the DNA will get into that a little bit there and the architecture of man and then we'll come to the seventh day and uh some of the surprises that are on the seventh day so there anything let's stand our foreclosing word of Prayer"


"well father we stand in awe as we get just even the slightest glimpse of your handiwork to understand the incredible intricacies that you've balanced to make life possible and even beyond that father that you have allowed us this moment right now to behold who you are and what you've done for us as you begin to realize that even far eclipsing your handiwork in the creation is your handiwork in the Redemption oh Father we thank you for what you have done help us father to understand who you are as we just bow in awe before you and ask you to just forgive us our sins of ingratitude our sins of presumption help us to understand who you are and what you would have of us in these days we thank you for your word we thank you for the word incarnate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ we do pray father that through your Holy Spirit you would just increase in each of us a hunger and appetite to know more of your word and what you've said we thank you Father that you have loved us so much to bring us to This Moment In Timewe do pray father that through your Holy Spirit and through your word we will be ever more effective stewards of your grace as we commit ourselves into your hands in the name of Yeshua our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen

Gerald  Schroeder

Believe in God in five minutes.

Scientific proof.


A friend of mine watched this with me 

and he left pale faced when it was over, 

like he had seen a ghost or something.