Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Do you think I'll ever stop being like this with you?
I've told you before.
You will be at work and you'll get stuff like this from me all the time.
You'll get naughty lil notes in yahoo as well sense that's where you seem to like them from lol.
I told you very early on I know how to keep a good one.
By doing the things that got her in the first place.
 I'll never stop.
Not out of some sense of obligation or fear of how you might react if I did, but because this is who I am, who I have willingly chossen to be, who I want to be, for you, for me, for all of us.
It just comes easy and natural.
Like its what I should be doing.
It's always been like that.
I just don't see it ever stopping.
By this point...I don't see how you could ever see it stopping either.
I can't wait to spend my life with you Lucy.

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