Monday, September 1, 2014


it would.




"Relax idiot, I love you."

would go a long way these days...

just sayin..."

SIM card didn't work in my phone.
Worked in the loaner I got from Tessa (Christians sitter)
She is gonna let me use it till my new Samsung Rugby comes in 3-5 days.

$25 deductible on my insurance plan.
New phone.
Contract still up in Dec.
Switched to a new plan.
$50 less a month.
4 more gigs of data for each of us.
When I cancel satellite and savings on the phone plan?
$140 a month in savings.
Ought to help.

Mom wanted to  help.
Wouldn't let her.
"I don't want you to worry about money."
"I've been worried about money my whole life, what difference does it make at this point?"

I just don't see this happening Saturday with you.
I just don't.
Shot me down too many times before Lucy.

I'm gonna tell you what it will take.
It would take a phone call from Alan on Friday telling me:

"You trust me right Andy?"
"Yeah Alan, you know I do."
"Call in to work today, just trust me, have your phone handy for further instructions."

When That happens?
Then I'll start believing for real.

Everything up to that point just seems like a dream...

Can't take the stress of not knowing much longer sweetie.
It literally will and has made me sick.

It's just the way it works.

Love you Virgie.

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