Friday, October 3, 2014

Is this

what you want me to do?

"You said "Don't worry about it..."

How about I just don't worry about it?
Sounds like a plan.."

It's just not that easy for me.
Who else you ever know have dreams like this come true?

It's you.
It's all I want.
I really don't care about anything but you and Nich.
You know this.
I've told you long enough.

But there are a lot of latent issues coming to the surface as well.

It's a big "Fuck you!" to everybody who ever looked down on us.
On you.
Your family.
My family.
A big "Fuck you!" to all the nay-sayers.
The haters.
The non-believers.
The fakes and phonys that pack the pews on Sundays.
The people that laughed at my alcoholic granddad stumbling down the sidewalk from the neighborhood tavern.
A big "Fuck you!" to the people who didn't think he would make it when he left Harlan county.
A big "Fuck you!" to the people that made fun of his being with a woman who already had a child by another man.
A big "Fuck you!" to all the people that looked down my other grandmother for getting pregnant before getting married.
A big "Fuck you" to all the people of Hancock County for ever looking down on me and my son.
A big "Fuck you" to anybody who ever doubted ANY of us all along the way.
A part of me wishes I could go back and find them all and just laugh in their faces.

But I know that aint no way to be.
The best revenge is forgiveness and living well.
Like Tony says, don't even bother saying a word.
Just vanish one day.
Those people are not worth the effort it would take to fly them the one finger salute.
So this forum will have to suffice for all those latent emotions that are coming to the surface.
You'll just have to find it in you to excuse the feeling somewhat vindicated.
A part of me always thought this day would come.
I got a feeling even though you may have had your doubts along the way that you felt the same as well.
Trust me when I tell you,
I knew where that feeling was coming from and none of this, absolutely none of it, was ever an accident.

Love you Virgie.

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