Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Freedom of Speech

It doesn't mean you have a right to give a speech on a college campus.
It doesn't mean you have a right to have a book deal.
It doesn't mean you have a right to get paid to speak to a political action committee.

Those are all privileges, not rights.

People have this notion that freedom of speech means they can say whatever they want whenever they want to whomever they want.
It doesn't.
Go into a meeting with a bunch of people at your place of employment and go on a profanity laced tirade.
 Use "freedom of speech" as your defense
 See what happens to you.

We have all kinds of restrictions on freedom of speech we don't ever really think about:
Inciting violence.

These assholes getting all up in arms because their speech to a small crowd was canceled because of demonstrations?
Saying their rights were violated? 
It's ludicrous.
Take your tablet down the street and publish your speech on line and let those that wanna read it read it.

Oh, and those demonstrators?
They have rights too.
 "the right of the people peaceably to assemble."

"Peaceably" being the key word here.

These days?
With social media and the internet etc?
Everybody knows what the other side is doing and when.
Makes it easy for members of the opposition to infiltrate and start shit, then it looks like your group was the one that started the violence.
This country was founded on protest.

Things like this would be infiltrated and shut down today:

Thats a picture of the womans sufferage movement rally on Washington.
If you look close you can see the Capital Building in the background.

Women that don't like people that protest?
It just kinda makes me laugh.

You have just as much right to "peaceably assemble" in this country as you do to own a firearm.

Some people love some rights more than others.
It's the same piece of hemp that gives us all of our rights.


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