Friday, October 13, 2017

But Drew?

"There was an oral history passed down through generations so the prophets were in collusion with each other"
or so people would have you believe.

The passed down oral history was an outline of sorts,
the writing of the prophets?

Divinely inspired,
with details.
As in where the messiah was to be born,
where he would flee to,
and which gate he would enter Jerusalem through etc.

Micah 5:1-2
(Started his ministry in the days of Jotham c. 740-735 B.C.
See Jeremiah 26:18)

Hosea 11:1
(approx 760 B.C.-723 B.C.)

Ezekiel 43-4
(approx 622 B.C.-570 B.C.)

So if they were all using the same "oral traditions"?

Why weren't they all saying the same things?

These arguments just don't hold up.
People just don't want to believe.

Irony = using a quote from an atheist to drive my point home.

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