Friday, April 6, 2018

Compatibility Axioms Cont

It takes a lengthy courtship for her to figure out how to both succeed with a man 
and even if he’s really worth it.

If he won’t honor her values, standards, and expectations before conquest, he likely won’t afterward.

Conquest convinces him that he’s worthy enough for her; he need not try harder. She’s left to prove  that she’s more worthy for him but without her greatest ‘convincer’.

If he won’t romance her before they get into foreplay and intercourse, he likely won’t learn to do it for their future together.
(Why should he? He didn't have to before)

Courtship works best when he’s the seller and she’s the buyer. He convinces her of his worth.

Marriage works best when he’s the buyer and she’s the seller. She convinces him of her worth.

The harder she is to conquer, the more trophy-like she appears to him. 

A man’s love is based on respect for an extraordinary woman who outshines most others. She becomes extraordinary in his eyes as he penetrates her pleasant friendliness and works hard to impress her, hold her attention, and otherwise prove himself worthy of her. Her attractiveness just gets the ball rolling. 

If after they marry she waters down her help, support, gratitude, and encouragement for who and what he is, she may also want to research where the local exes recovery group is meeting.
(It's what you've always accepted :-)

A man’s natural loyalty lies primarily with his job or whatever he must do to earn self-admiration and satisfy his sense of significance. The right and extraordinary woman can make a satisfactory and permanent accommodation. 

If she expects her feminist leanings, attitude, and political expectations to override his natural masculine behaviors, her value to him will diminish over time.

A man’s respect for women generally and one in particular is not essential for a temporary relationship, but it is for a permanent one. Women are the same regarding men and one man.

A man’s respect for women generally and one in particular is not essential for a temporary relationship, but it is for a permanent one. Women are the same regarding men and one man.

After a couple’s first sex together, the man assumes control of their sexual agenda as conqueror’s right, or else he moves on.
(Except on occasion lol, you know what I'm talking about :-).

Men respond to feminine women by becoming more responsible, which encourages women to become more feminine. 

Feminine behavior attracts men to rise above themselves and accept domestic and fatherly responsibility. A woman’s feminine spirit makes her appear vulnerable and challenges good men. One will admire himself with thoughts of taking care of her.

If she makes it easy for him to know her, she makes it hard for him to keep her. Mystery captivates.

The only window of opportunity to change a man opens before and closes after his sexual conquest of her. What she screws is what she gets...

Men as hunter-conquerors like tough targets, difficult game, hard-to-get prizes that first challenge and later provide frequent reminders of their manliness. The woman that makes it easy for him to understand her—or to take up residence with her—trains him against her best interests. 

Virtual virginity means keeping her legs crossed before marriage. It puts her in the buyer’s seat and forces a man to be the seller, to make himself worthy of her instead of the other way around. Men don’t truly appreciate what they don’t earn. 

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