Friday, April 6, 2018

"Old school Axioms" Continued.

The male’s hunting nature makes easily captured sex targets also easy to release. Difficult-to-track-and-capture sex targets become manly trophies.

Males live with and respect females for it: Playing hard to get thwarts a man’s conquering agenda and tames his masculine spirit, especially if she’s a mate-target rather than just a target for sex.

The more neat, clean, and chaste she appears, then the more unique and possibly extraordinary she appeals to a man. Her past appears more virgin-like when his imagination fires up that all those other men failed, simply because he cannot conquer her.

She always appears more respectful in the eyes of men that cannot conquer her, and a man’s love is based on his respect for a woman.

A man discovers a woman’s non-sexual attributes and character while searching for weaknesses in order to conquer her. After conquest his search intensity fades away, and her remaining qualities become evident but much less attractive than if uncovered before conquest. 

 man’s devotion to wife and marriage are not the same. The former is based on his heart, his feelings for her. The latter is based on his mind, values, principles, vows, and his word—to the extent that he honors such things.

A man’s fruitless pursuit of sex with a woman enables his commitment to evolve into devotion for her. In the process of trying harder, he learns to respect her more and see her as different from the others. 

Women bitch that men don’t act gentlemanly. It’s the highly valued self-respect of ladies that inspires men to act gentlemanly.

 The foundations of their love differ. His love builds on respect, and nothing affects his deepest respect more than how she handled and still handles her sexual assets. After that, his respect grows from her self-respect, character strength, and feminine nature.

Her love resides in her dreams. It springs alive when she realizes that he can and will adjust himself to accommodate her aspirations for their life together. Only the most egregious actions by him shatter her dreams and, consequently, love.

Our forefathers showed affection with actions that endorsed their masculinity. They honored their woman’s wishes for social stature, such as opening her car door, seating her at the table...

As the expert, she either drives the relationship bus or pitches herself under it.

She must respect him above all else for who and what he is and does. Each incident of nagging, fault-finding, and indifference works against it. She must be grateful for who and what he is and does. Affection and love do not register with him as her gratitude.

His ego and sense of significance are the same. Demeaning his ego discredits his significance. It’s his greatest fear, especially insignificance in his woman’s eyes. 
(A mans ego is as fragile as a womans heart they say)

Authors note:
A friendly reminder: I’m not describing what women want or would like to see. I describe the natures of men and women that they ‘inherit’ at birth, that which God designs, Nature endows, and hormones energize.

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