Friday, April 6, 2018

Which brings us to

"Old school Axioms"

All the ones I'm gonna share are from this site.
If more people followed these?
Divorce rates would go down. 
He's got plenty more. Just sharing the ones I really like.

If he can’t be the family head, she can’t be the family heart. 
She can be both the head and the heart, but those that try usually become single moms.

Female modesty and moral standards rigidly upheld with delicate expectations are a natural counterbalance to male domination.

Husband will not play second fiddle, especially not to kids, pets, and even her job. He married to play first fiddle, period.

A man only needs a hut, but a woman wants a castle. She can get it by crowning him king and treating him royally. Or, she can learn to like their hut and soon tire of him.

A female eager to accept a male as sex partner bypasses the process by which she earns his respect. This means that little within him grows to keep him committed to her after lust and infatuation fade in a year or two.

Femininity is the philosophy of attractiveness for men, the creed of devotedness with men, and the gospel of faithfulness to one man. Its inherent virtue civilizes men, balances male dominance, suppresses male aggressiveness, inspires men to prove their worth for one woman, and rewards men for acting responsibly as husband and father.

(Lord do you got some of that GF lol.)

Successful adult relationships depend upon the lessons girls learn while teaching boys to honor feminine values, standards, and expectations. Popularized and rampant teen sexual activity short-circuits the process. It enables men to win and women to lose as relationships fail and male dominance dumps women into the recycle bin.

Men are not naturally romantic. If not ‘trained’ to habitually romance her before marriage, he won’t do much of it afterwards.

Boys first learn romance by watching father affectionately romance mother without sexual implications. Later, they learn from girls who inspire manly romance by withholding foreplay and women withholding sex, which forces guys to find and learn new ways to use charm, persuasion, and romantic stimulation.

If a guy won’t cherish her and honor her expectations before conquest, he sure won’t afterwards.

Girls can protect their chastity with the same élan, dynamism, dedication, and silence on the subject as if they were still virgin. When left to their imagination, virtual virginity mesmerizes boys as does the real thing. Women have the same choices, since virtual can substitute for real virginity and be used to hold a man’s attention while feminine mystique, female modesty, and standards of morality capture his devotion.

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