Friday, April 6, 2018

"Old school Axioms" Continued.

I quote a reader: “Axiom #51. Have lots of sex as a married couple. It is a well documented and studied finding that the more sex a couple has, the better their chances are for remaining a couple. There is a positive correlation for sex and happiness for both partners as well.” 

Deal lol...

The longer and more successfully a woman holds out for marriage before sex, the more admiration and lasting respect she earns from a man. Holding out during a long courtship enables her to determine his true intentions, whether truly after her or just sex. More importantly, while trying to find weaknesses to get her into bed, he uncovers strengths that hold special worth and likeability for supporting him in his daily work.

Men are driven to compete. As hunter-conquerors they target high value prey. Men don’t mount rabbit heads in their den or pursue women they find unappealing. They enjoy the challenge of chasing the unconquerable. If they don’t enjoy the challenge, they lack ambition for other things too.

Remember that one.

When women exploit their female nature, men respond favorably. When women don’t appreciate their femaleness to the fullest, men don’t either.

Women need men more than the reverse, especially those women hopeful of a permanent relationship.

Divulging her sexual history to a man injects unforgettable-to-him poison into their relationship. 
(None of it is anybody's business, it's the past and never needs be brought up. Period. End of discussion.)
(Parenthesis added)

Hard-headed feminine gentleness beguiles males. It adds to both her mystique and influence.

Feminine mystique attracts men and holds their interest. An air of secrecy and generally being ‘vague and unavailable’ draws men into a woman’s aura of charm. (It keeps her in charge and puts men on the defensive. It’s the opposite of her chasing him, and it forces each man to prove his worth to her—if he chooses to pursue her. When he perceives charming but strong resistance to his first priority, sexual conquest, it pushes him deeper into the role of seller, which proportionally reinforces her as the buyer.)

Female modesty tames males. It’s a woman’s greatest counterbalance to male domination. Keeping men on the defensive weakens male domination.

The foundation of a man’s love is respect for a woman signified by devotion demonstrated by his actions. (Romantic love, mostly based on infatuation and lust, does not require a man’s respect. Plus, romantic love fades after a year or two. Enduring love, if it’s to replace the romantic kind and not also fade away, requires his respect that she earned early and continues to maintain.)

If men pay no tough-for-them price for sex, the women providing it water down their worth and magnetic appeal.

A man’s enduring love arises from the foundation of his respect for an exceptional woman and her likeability as a supportive mate. A woman’s enduring love arises from her gratefulness for who and what her man means to her in both the present but especially her future.

...Women have one mission, to live well for them and theirs. They work endlessly to make the day better and their future brighter...

 Women fear abandonment by their man. By keeping the proverbial dime between their knees before marriage, women have less to fear later. 

Women seek recognition of their importance and expect affection to display it. A man interested in a woman, while he looks for weaknesses to get her in bed the first time, learns more and more of her importance to him and how to express it her way. Thus, lengthy sex-free courtships work best for women.

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