Monday, August 26, 2019


peoples idea of success?
Doesn't involve a double wide in rural america working for the mill or factory.
It's just not what some people want for themselves.
It's not a crime or a sin to want something different than what everybody else expects you to want.
Everybody else expects you to want what they want for you, not what you want for yourself.

The sin?
Is the craving of wealth, money etc.
Not the having it. 
Or the acquiring of it.
The craving of it like a drug.
Thats the sin

People that know me?
Know thats not me.

I saw a way for a better life for myself and my sons future and I went for it.
Risked it all, gave up all I had almost.
Chasing a dream.

Don't blame me it worked out.
Most people wouldn't have made it four months, let alone four years.

Be wrong a million times, everybody laughs at you.
Be right once?
Everybody wishes they were you.

Thats the whole problem.
Nobody wants to be wrong a million times.
But everybody wants to be you the one time you were right.

Just doesn't work that way.

Everything you see around you that is man made?
Was once just an idea in somebodys head.

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