Saturday, September 28, 2019


I was talking to the older gentleman at work that stocks and rotates dairy yesterday, he's a big blues fan, goes to WC Handy every year etc, and I was telling him I saw an ant climbing up a tree and it was carrying a dead insect with it that was three times larger than it was and he says, "You know? In the book of revelation, it says people will be busy like ants". I'm not really sure where he got it but it kinda doesn't really matter either. He said, "take a look at a freeway, tell me all those cars don't look like a bunch of ants scurrying around."

I agreed.
You can't make this shit up.
You just can't.
How many times do things like this have to happen?

What do people think?
I just sit around and make this stuff up and write about it for no reason?
If I was a neutral observer?
That would seem pretty far fetched to me.

Anyway, old boy turns and walks away and the second, I mean the second he does?

"Six lanes tail lights
Red ants marchin' into the night..."

Who else does this happen to all the time?
For years now?

To many accidents isn't an accident Lucy.
I love you honey.

Just sitting here writing this.
Reminded me of:

"And all the little ants are marching
Red and black antennas waving
They all do it the same
They all do it the same way..."

Not us honey.
Were not gonna do it the same way baby.
Never have.
Never will.

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