Saturday, December 21, 2019


more about being a pro-choice, 
life begins when the soul enters the body Christian.

Don't Bother

Trying to convince me how wrong my position is.
Just because something is unpopular in a given community doesn't make it wrong.

I've already read the scripture you're gonna quote
and heard the arguments you're gonna voice.
Still not swayed 40 years later.
Not gonna be.

Trust me.
I've heard the arguments.
Face all red, steam coming off your  head,
hair on fire, screaming them through a bullhorn so to speak.

American southern white rural evangelicals do not make up the entire body of Christ.
In fact?
They are just a loud vocal minority.
Shouting your position the loudest doesn't make it any more right.

How about you listen to our points for a change.

I just don't trust made up theological constructs that didn't exist forty years ago.
Just don't.

Enough bout that.

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