Tuesday, February 1, 2022



made it to the barbershop after getting laundry and cleaned up done 

and then playing a few games of checkers with my buddy.

60+ degrees Feb 1?

I'll take it any time.

Walked in the shop and there's like three guys and my barber buddy and they just all clapping :-), loud and smiling and such...

I just smiled, fist pumped, told em thanks Ill take it, it feels great, I'm in better shape than I have been in months right now so thank you very much...then I asked Chapel, "What's the forecast for today Chapel?" and he says..."100 percent chance of success..." I said "That's right, Failure is an illusion, you just start again more determined, smarter, more experienced, there is never failure, it's only an illusion"

Lots of songs on my mind right now but they closin up.

Springsteen mostly...like you don't know :-).

Gotta get, we'll get to it tomorrow.

I love you baby :-).

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