Saturday, February 12, 2022

If you live in KY?


As your constituent, I strongly urge you to support a patient-centric medical cannabis program for Kentucky. 

If you are already a supporter of medical cannabis reform I thank you for your efforts.

Every year, thousands of Kentuckians are diagnosed with serious and debilitating conditions — such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), and seizure disorders. As well as tens of thousands of Kentucky's veterans are living with PTSD or intractable pain as a result of their time spent serving their country. The suffering of these patients is devastating for them and their families.

For some seriously ill patients, currently available medications are not effective, and many of the treatments currently prescribed cause devastating side effects. A recent study found that overdoses on opiates decreased by 25% in states with medical marijuana laws — while medical marijuana has never caused a fatal overdose.

Patients need the freedom to use the treatment that is right for them, and physicians must be free to recommend the best treatment for their patients without government interference.

There is extensive research indicating the effectiveness of medical marijuana in treating a wide range of conditions such as wasting, muscle spasticity, and chronic pain.

On top of the health benefits, implementing a medical marijuana program will create growth and job opportunities in Kentucky in addition to providing relief to thousands of patients.

Thank you very much for your time and I hope you will consider voting for medical marijuana reform this session. 

Please email and call your legislators to pass HB 136.

Medical Marijuana Letter

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