Monday, February 14, 2022



has to be said, so here goes...

I went to the pharmacy to get my shingles booster shot the other day and while I'm sitting there waiting I notice a stack of bibles on a end table with kids books puzzles etc...and I notice there's a different looking one on the bottom so I grab it and start going through it and as I was? I felt like it was really talking to me, tons of references, pictures, graphs, just power packed with all kinds of information. I wanted to ask for it but I didn't quite feel comfortable doing so, so I took a picture of the cover so I could get my own someday. Here is how my picture came out:

People that know me? Know I "stage" my photos, not in a deceptive sense, but I center things, I remove clutter from what's around what is being photographed, I center the space above and below the photos subject matter to "frame" the subject, even the space to the right and the left of the subject of the photograph as well. I didn't go to all that trouble here as I really just wanted the title and edition of this bible, but I assure you, it was right-side up when the photograph was taken. (Like the jacket is :-)

So here's the thing. September of 2020? I took a picture of my Mendenhall reference bible as I wanted to send to a friend to show them what I had happened upon. Here is  how that picture came out:

At that time I just thought there was something wrong with the camera on my phone so I took a picture of the wall and lo and behold that picture came out just fine. Then I went back to take another picture to send to my friend and here it is:

I went back to the pharmacist Saturday AM and asked if I could borrow the bible in the first picture above. She said, "you can have it, it's yours, out owner puts them out there like that so anybody who wants one can have it."

So now I have another very special Bible in my collection :-). I knew this one wanted me to have it:-). 

I could tell.

Here is the point, just like I told my church family yesterday morning:

2 Peter 1:3-4

Confirming One’s Calling and Election

2 Peter 1:3-4

King James Version

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue

Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

"Ye might be partakers of the divine nature"

You either believe it or you don't. 

You either go to church on Sunday and pay lip service to it, saying to yourself things like, "yeah yeah yeah, we get it, we done yet? Pastor is running over today": etc? Or you believe it with your whole heart.

So heres my question? 
What do you think? 
I go around and every 17 months or so I just take photos of bibles upside down? 
Thats your explanation? 
Just leave them on my Google photos account?
If you accidentally took a picture upside down? Why would you still have it 17 months later I guess becomes my question.
How are you going to try and explain away all the other instances similar to this?
I think totaling over 70 by now?
You gonna have convenient explanations for all of them to? All 70+?
Truth is?
I know the truth.
And if you have been around and heard enough of my and Lucys story?
You should know the truth too.

Chapter heading yo :-).

Confirming One’s Calling and Election

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