this one gets a full blown dissection at this point in time right here right now yup...
It's Hard To Be A Saint In The City
I had skin like leather and the diamond-hard look of a cobra
I was born blue and weathered but I burst just like a supernova
I could walk like Brando right into the sun, then dance just like a Casanova
With my blackjack and jacket and hair slicked sweet
Silver star studs on my duds, just like a Harley in heat
When I strut down the street, I could feel its heart beat
The sisters fell back and said, "Don't that man look pretty"
The cripple on the corner cried out, "Nickels for your pity"
Then gasoline boys downtown sure talk gritty
It's so hard to be a saint in the city
I was the king of the alley, Mama, I could talk some trash
I was the prince of the paupers, crowned downtown at the beggar's bash
I was the pimp's main prophet, I kept everything cool
Just a backstreet gambler with the luck to lose
And when the heat came down it was left on the ground
The devil appeared like Jesus through the steam in the street
Showin' me a hand I knew even the cops couldn't beat
I felt his hot breath on my neck as I dove into the heat
It's so hard to be a saint when you're just a boy out on the street
And the sages of the subway sit just like the living dead
As the tracks clack out the rhythm, their eyes fixed straight ahead
They ride the line of balance and hold on by just a thread
But it's too hot in these tunnels, you can get hit up by the heat
You get up to get out at your next stop, but they push you back in your seat
Your heart starts beatin' faster as you struggle to your feet
Then you're outa that hole and back up on the street
And then South Side sisters sure look pretty
The cripple on the corner cries out, "Nickels for your pity"
And then downtown boys, they sure talk gritty
It's so hard to be a saint in the city
Look at me :-)
"I was born blue and weathered"
it kinda fits yo.
"but I burst just like a supernova"
we bout to honey, yup :-).
"I could walk like Brando right into the sun"
(Do I really need to say anything?)
"dance just like a Casanova"
"Silver star studs on my duds, just like a Harley in heat"
Always wanted a belt similar to that and a pair of jeans with Conchos up the sides, but never together, it's a lil much and never riding while wearing either although I would like to.
"When I strut down the street, I could feel its heart beat"
It's one of the main reasons I don't mind to walk. It's how I feel walking around town, to the library, the church, and yes to the tavern on occasion but not so much any more cause they're closed on Sundays so no more Football down there.
"Then gasoline boys downtown sure talk gritty
It's so hard to be a saint in the city"
There's like three of us :-). Me and another guy in particular wearing his leathers/thick sweatshirt/dorag etc and one other I only seen around a few times. We are all, shall we say, not young men would be a polite way of saying it I guess... Anyway, were all a lil older, all in pretty much similar living conditions, all have Harleys, in fact I think we all three have sportsters. But we run into each other from time to time walking or riding around town and it's like "Hey brother stay warm, we got bad weather comin'. "I know man, I'm good with just about anything except ice" "Me too my friend, me too." Things like that lil exchange yesterday and it just reminds me of:
"Then gasoline boys downtown sure talk gritty
It's so hard to be a saint in the city")
"I was the king of the alley, Mama, I could talk some trash'
I think you know this by now, probably some others as well :-).
"I was the prince of the paupers, crowned downtown at the beggar's bash"
Feels like it :-). The downtown Lewisport beggars bash that is...
see above about the gasoline boys :-)
That line, (crowned downtown at the beggars bash) always reminded me of that record.
This was the better album cover, censored in the states I think for a long time.

"I was the pimp's main prophet, I kept everything cool
Just a backstreet gambler with the luck to lose"
Yup...feels like that too :-).
"It's so hard to be a saint when you're just a boy out on the street"
Enjoying my walks these days...I'll just say like dat. :-).
"And the sages of the subway sit just like the living dead"
Well...obviously there's no subway in Lewisport but when Pastor Bridgette asked how I was last week I said, "I'm okay, seeing the light at then end of the tunnel, I felt like a dead man walking a few days last week but I'm alright."
"They ride the line of balance and hold on by just a thread
But it's too hot in these tunnels, you can get hit up by the heat"
Pretty familiar with "riding a line of balance and holding on by just a thread" and the heat (affliction) getting a lil to hot for comfort in these valleys, darkest nights, (tunnels) etc sometimes.
"You get up to get out at your next stop, but they push you back in your seat"
It's the crabs in the bucket pulling you back in to their world
"Your heart starts beatin' faster as you struggle to your feet"
Cause you're almost out of there.
"Then you're outa that hole and back up on the street"
Ahhhh, relief, some food, maybe a lil gas, get a ride in on Feb 1st, a lil $, and were all good again for a bit etc...
"And then downtown boys, they sure talk gritty
It's so hard to be a saint in the city"
Tell me about it Bruce.
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