Wednesday, February 9, 2022



about that a lil bit yesterday too.

The inflation dilemma: Patience vs. recession

"In the most extreme example, Fed Chair Paul Volcker engineered a steep downturn in the early 1980s that ended the double-digit inflation of that era — but at the cost of double-digit unemployment that pummeled President Reagan's popularity.

This time around, the goal is a soft landing. The Fed is looking to move toward higher interest rates gradually, not with the kind of shock Volcker engineered."

20 % interest rates and two recessions to get inflation in check the last time it was this high and that was without the labor shortages and the supply lines congestion, and the concentration of market share among to few competitors, and to much money in the system. This time around? Interest rates at 4.5% and we default on the interest payment on the national debt.

It's really not that hard to see wats up.

Just gotta be ready spiritually.

It's all we can do.

I'll give an ice storm analogy :-). Since we just had one last week. If you know the storm is coming don't you get ready for it? Don't you check on candles? Flashlights? Batteries? Make sure the camp stove is working? Lighters? Check the generator if you have one? Gas? Propane? Groceries? Make sure you have access to clean water for a few days? Just simple lil things to try and endure what you know is coming? 

Likewise you should prepare your soul as well:

Matthew 16:24-25

Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus

"Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

Are you willing? Are you able? Are you ready? Are you prepared? Mentaly? Spiritualty?

Psalm 44:22

Yet for your sake we face death all day long;

    we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.

"...its time to get ready for the storm..."

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