guy that told you inflation was transitory?
Also said the money supply doesn't matter.
“Right now...M2...does not really have important implications.
It is something we have to unlearn I guess.”
He should have been fired right then, right when he said that. These brainiacs have become so smart they are stupid.
Fix the supply chains,
end the concentration of market share in the hands of to few corporations,
fix everybody's staffing issues
and to much money in the system will still give you rampant inflation.
We have all four to deal with.
And these ass clowns are like: "yeah all good mid year."
(The M2 quote above was from a year ago BTW.)
1 Thessalonians 5:3
While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
And hey, I lean all kinds of Keynesian Economics, always have. But the fact is you just can not spend and print $ forever. We got away with it (spending and printing $) during the financial crisis. It spoiled us, it made Powell and his like think that too much $ in the shitsem (RNM's word, not mine, but I like it) didn't matter any more. Eventually you reach a tipping point and Friedman's economic theory takes hold.
It's Kinda like the two competing economic theories are the ends of a ruler and there's a tipping point in the middle which makes things go one way or another. On each theories respective end of the ruler that theory holds sway. The truth is in the middle where things eventually lean one way or another.
The fact that we are in a damned if we do, damned if we don't situation is indicative of who is calling the shots.
Better recognize.
Freedom train's coming.
"The Zion train is coming our way
Oh, people, get on board! (You better get on board!)
Thank the Lord (Praise Fari)
I gotta catch a train, 'cause there is no other station"
I love you baby :-).
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