Sunday, October 20, 2013

You know...

Looking back I thought it was kind of weird at the time but I really didn't think all that much about it when I went to your moms house that day at Albany. I told mom about it Sunday in church and she was just like "Well was she there?" and I said "No, but that wasn't really the point, it was just showing her that I would go there, that was the point. The neighbor lady said she had trust issues, wasn't really sure why she had them but she did." Mom just said "Well I hope she has gotten over them for your sake" or something like that and that was about it. Lookin' back, that's a lil weird. If it was a few years ago she would have flipped out and been like "What are you doing?  You're going to get in trouble, you're going to get arrested, or worse yet you're going to get shot, you have a son to look after! Blah blah blah..." Like you can tell a grown ass man how to live at this point in his life. Anyway, she didn't flip out at all, didn't chastise me in the least. Almost like she knew something I didn't, maybe not, but her reaction was not very consistant with how she has been in the past. Now why would that be Lucy? Why would my mom not react like she had in the past?
James agian last night. I'm just sitting here chit-chating away with all kinds of dirty talk with liebermanjuanita5 (he didn't know it was dirty lol, I aint like that) and it's 6 in the AM and he doesn't so much as ask who I am talking with on the phone. He knew it was you sweetheart. He had no need to ask who I was speaking with...
You funny girl, you real funny.
I love it.
Always love your style Dollbaby.

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