responded to my e-mail and said that she didn't ever want to come back to Hancock County for a lot of the same reasons that I described.
It put things in perspective.
She doesn't have that many close friends in "da county" either so she understood entirely where I was coming from.
It was good to hear that someone else sees the same things, feels the same was as I do, especially my mom :-).
She is a "tough old bird" as my cousin once called her.
Been through a lot.
She is a survivor.
As we all are.
Just want to be around those "like-minded-folks."
The only reason I didn't include Alan in that email of people I like to be around is because that email was specific to the workings of Hancock County and Alan lives in Owensboro.
I wished he lived closer.
I would be stopping by on a regular basis.
Oh good lord that dress...
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