Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I went back to Christians Sat PM to see if everyone was still going to the fair and meeting up or what have you, I knocked on the door and Tessa (one of the boys sitters) motioned for me to come on in, I walked inside and here comes lil 18 month old Ryder, red hair parted on the side, matching shirt and pants outfit on, walks right over to me, hugs my leg and puts his head on my thigh and then just looks at me like, "Where you been?"...everything...everything...all the stress in my world...just melted away.

In that moment, all was right with the world :-). 
I just looked at him and thought , Buddy, you just made my day.

Tessa just went, "awwwwwww.'

If an 18 month old can have that kind of effect on me?

What kind of effect do you think a long slow walk holding hands with my wife would have?

You're amazing.
More than I ever could have dreamed of.

I love you.

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